Презентация по английскому языку на тему: «Нью-Йорк».

ВНИМАНИЮ ВСЕХ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ: согласно Федеральному закону N273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» педагогическая деятельность требует от педагога наличия системы специальных знаний в области обучения и воспитания детей с ОВЗ. Поэтому для всех педагогов является актуальным повышение квалификации по этому направлению!

Дистанционный курс «Обучающиеся с ОВЗ: Особенности организации учебной деятельности в соответствии с ФГОС» от проекта «Инфоурок» даёт Вам возможность привести свои знания в соответствие с требованиями закона и получить удостоверение о повышении квалификации установленного образца (72 часа).

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New York City is one of the largest cities in the world. It’s considered to be one of the most typical American cities with its huge skyscrapers, wide roads and impressive bridges.

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is the oldest and most fascinating of the bridges connecting the island of Manhattan to other shores. The Brooklyn Bridge

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It is the busiest port, located at the mouth of the Hudson river on the islands in the New York Harbour. The Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous landmarks in the United States, stands at the entrance to New York Harbor.

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A gift from the people of France in 1884, the Statue of Liberty is regarded as a symbol of the United States and an expression of freedom and opportunity. The statue depicts liberty as a woman draped in flowing robes and carrying a lighted torch. She wears a crown of seven spikes that represent the seven seas and seven continents. In her left arm, she has a tablet bearing the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

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Mention the City that Never Sleeps, The Big Apple, Gotham or Manhattan and most people know you are referring to New York City. While some people think Manhattan is synonymous with New York City it’s actually only one of five boroughs — the others being the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island — that make up New York City. Almost 6.5 million New Yorkers live outside Manhattan. In addition to the more than 8 million people living in all five boroughs, over 30 million people enjoy a New York City vacation each year. Whether you live here or are planning a visit, this on-line travel magazine was designed to make your stay more fun and memorable

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This is Manhatten, the center of New York, where the most interesting and well-known sights are located. Can you remember some of them?

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This is Central Park In 1856, landscape architects Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux transformed 843 acres of land into New York’s most treasured public space. New York City’s Central Park is an ideal place to enjoy a wide variety of music, theater and dance performances.

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playing fields; a small zoo; an ice-skating rink; a carousel; an outdoor theater; and numerous fountains and sculptures. The park contains grassy meadows, wooded groves, and formal gardens; paths for running, strolling, horseback riding, and biking;

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The Metropolitan Museum Of Art

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The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the largest and most beautiful art museum in all of NYC. With a diverse collection embracing over two million works of art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art ranks as one of the world’s great museums.

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Why Times Square was called so: The New York Times newspaper moved its offices in 1904 to an area near 42nd Street, which was renamed Times Square in honour of the publication.

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Times Square

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Each year thousands gather to watch a ball drop from a building to signal the beginning of a new year.

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Broadway shows, the largest, longest running and most famous New Year’s Eve Cele- ration, MTV and Good Mor- ning America, gigantic neon signs, zipper boards and 24 hour crowds — it could only be Times Square. Times Square and Broadway are especially impressive at night. Why, how do you think?

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Broadway Broadway is the street, where a lot of theatres famous of musicals are located.

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Now you can see the Guggenheim Museum-museum of modern and contemporary art

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The Guggenheim Museum is renown for it’s diverse collection of art and the Manhattan location’s architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the building at 1071 Fifth Avenue and it «shattered the existing notions of what a museum could be». The Rotunda of the Guggenheim stands out against the rectilinear architecture of surrounding buildings.

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Not only super modern buildings can you see in New York… St Patrick’s Cathedral

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What’s the name of this building?

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It’s the Empire State Building the Empire State Building in midtown Manhattan is once again the tallest building in New York. The Empire State Building was completed in 1931 — King Kong climbed it in 1933 — and, like the World Trade Towers, once had a plane hit it. A B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor on a Saturday in July 1945, killing the crew and 14 people in the building but not seriously damaging the structure. Quite possibily the most popular tourist destination in New York, the Empire State Building Observatory on the 86th and 102nd floors provides incredible views of Manhattan and on a clear day up to 80 miles in any direction.

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Construction of the 39 floor 544 feet tall building took place between 1949 and 1951 and it was officially opened on January 9, 1951. The UN building was designed by an international group of architects led by Wallace K. Harrison, Oscar Niemeyer and Le Corbusier.

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The UN site is an international territory that has it’s own fire dept, security force and postal service. One of the most popular tourist attractions is sending mail and postcards with UN stamps, which can only be mailed from the United Nations.

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As you enter the Plaza you will see one of the UN’s signature pieces of art, a gun with a knot in the barrel. Donated by Luxembourg ten years ago, this piece was created by the Swede Fredrik Reuterswärd and is called Non-Violence’.

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There are a lot of interesting and well-known sights to visit in New York. Before we finish our journey, I’d like to advise you to go to this magnificent city if you have such an opportunity!

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Презентация по предмету: «Иностранный язык», на тему: «Нью — Йорк» (на английском языке).

New York City is a city in the southern end of the state of New York, and is the most populous city in the United States of America. New York City is a global economic center, with its business, finance, trading, law, and media organizations influential worldwide. The city is also an important cultural center, with many museums, galleries, and performance venues. Home of the United Nations, the city is a hub for international diplomacy. With over 8.2 million residents within an area of 322 square miles (830 km²), New York City has the highest population density of major cities in the United States. The New York metropolitan area, with a population of 18.8 million, ranks among the largest urban areas in the world.



Staten Island



The official Flag of the City of New York is designed to bear the same colors (orange, white, and blue) as the flag of the United Netherlands used in 1625, the year New Amsterdam was settled on the island of Manhattan. Located in the center is a blue print of the official Seal of New York City.

The Seal of the City of New York , adopted in an earlier form in 1686, bears the legend SIGILLUM CIVITATIS NOVI EBORACI which means simply «The Seal of the City of New York»: Eboracum was the Roman name for York, the titular seat of James II as Duke of York. The symbols in the seal are interpreted as follows:

  • Eagle — the symbol of New York State.
  • Indian — represents the Native Americans who preceded the Europeans.
  • Sailor — represents the settlement of the area.
  • Beaver — represents the Dutch West India Company, the first company in the city.
  • Windmill, Barrel and Flower — represent early industry.
  • 1625 — the year in which Manhattan Island was established by the Dutch.

The region was inhabited by the Lenape Native Americans at the time of its European discovery in 1524 by Giovanni da Verrazzano , an Italian explorer in the service of the French crown, who called it «Nouvelle Angoulême“.

Giovanni da Verrazzano was he first known European navigator to enter New York Harbor where the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is named in his honor, and Narragansett Bay, where the Jamestown-Verrazano Bridge is located.

  • European settlement began with the founding of a Dutch fur trading settlement, later called «New Amsterdam,» on the southern tip of Manhattan in 1614.
  • Dutch colonial Director-General Peter Minuit purchased the island of Manhattan from the Canarsie Native Americans in 1626 (legend, now disproved).
  • In 1664, the British conquered the city and renamed it «New York» after the English Duke of York and Albany .
  • Hudson River,
  • East River,
  • Long Island Sound,
  • Newark Bay,
  • Upper New York Bay,
  • Lower New York Bay,
  • Jamaica Bay,
  • Atlantic Ocean

Bear Mountain Bridge

The Hudson River , called Muh-he-kun-ne-tuk in Mahican is a river that runs through the eastern portion of New York State and, along its southern terminus, demarcates the border between the states of New York and New Jersey. It is named for Henry Hudson, an Englishman sailing for the Netherlands, who explored it in 1609. Early European settlement of the area clustered around the river. The area inspired the Hudson River school of painting, a sort of early American pastoral idyll.

Battery Park City

The East River is a tidal strait in New York City. It connects Upper New York Bay on its south end to Long Island Sound on its north end. It separates Long Island from the island of Manhattan and the Bronx on the North American mainland. The river is spanned by thirteen tunnels .

The river is spanned by eight bridges :

  • Throgs Neck Bridge
  • Bronx-Whitestone Bridge
  • Rikers Island Bridge
  • Hell Gate Bridge
  • Triborough Bridge
  • Roosevelt Island Bridge
  • Queensboro Bridge
  • Williamsburg Bridge
  • Manhattan Bridge
  • Brooklyn Bridge

Liberty Enlightening the World known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty , is a large statue that was presented to the United States by France , standing at Liberty Island as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper-clad statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the United States and is a gesture of friendship from France to America.

The statue shows a woman standing upright, dressed in a robe and a seven point spiked crown representing the seven seas and continents, holding a stone tablet close to her body in her left hand and a flaming torch high in her right hand. The statue is 46.5 m tall, with the foundation adding another 46.9 m. The tablet contains the text «JULY IV MDCCLXXVI» (July 4, 1776) commemorating the date of the United States Declaration of Independence.

New York City is comprised of five boroughs , an unusual form of government used to administer the five constituent counties that make up the city.

The five boroughs: 1: Manhattan , 2: Brooklyn , 3: Queens , 4: Bronx , 5: Staten Island

Manhattan (pop. 1,593,200) is the most densely populated borough of New York City and home to most of the city’s skyscrapers . The borough contains the major business and financial centers of the city and many cultural attractions, including numerous museums, the Broadway theatre district and Madison Square Garden . Manhattan is loosely divided into Downtown , Midtown , and Uptown regions. Uptown Manhattan is divided by Central Park into the Upper East Side and the Upper West Side , and above the park is Harlem.

Manhattan is famous for its skyscrapers

World Trade


528 m

40 Wall Street

283 m




448 m



317 m



241 m

NY city was one of the sites of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, when nearly 3,000 people died in the destruction of the World Trade Center . The Freedom Tower will be built on the site and is scheduled for completion in

Freedom Tower

Brooklyn (pop. 2,511,408) is the city’s most populous borough and was an independent city until 1898. Brooklyn is known for its cultural and ethnic diversity, an independent art scene, distinct neighborhoods and a unique architectural heritage. The borough also features a long beachfront and Coney Island , established in the 1870s as one of the earliest amusement grounds in the country.



Queens (pop. 2,256,576) is geographically the largest borough and the most ethnically diverse county in the United States. Historically a collection of small towns and villages founded by the Dutch, the borough today is mainly residential and middle class. It is the only large county in the United States where the median income among black households, about $52,000 a year, has surpassed that of whites. Queens is the site of Shea Stadium , the home of the New York Mets. It is also the home to New York City’s two major airports, LaGuardia Airport and John F. Kennedy International Airport .

Shea Stadium

J.F.K. International Airport

Flushing Meadows-Corona Park

USTA National Tennis Center

The Bronx (pop. 1,364,566) is New York City’s northernmost borough. The site of Yankee Stadium, home of the New York the largest cooperatively owned housing complex in the United States, Yankees, and home to Co-op City. Except for a small piece of Manhattan known as Marble Hill, the Bronx is the only section of the city that is part of the United States mainland. It is home to the Bronx Zoo. The Bronx is the birthplace of rap and hip hop culture. Famous Bronx neighborhoods include the South Bronx, «Little Italy» on Arthur Avenue in the Belmont section, Morris Park, and Riverdale.

Museum of the Arts

Staten Island (pop. 475,014) is the most suburban in character of the five boroughs. It is connected to Brooklyn by the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge and to Manhattan via the free Staten Island Ferry . Until 2001, the borough was home to the Fresh Kills Landfill , formerly the largest landfill in the world, which is now being reconstructed as a large urban park.

Fresh Kills Landfill

The city has more than 2,000 arts and cultural organizations and more than 500 art galleries of all sizes. Wealthy industrialists in the 19th century built a network of major cultural institutions, such as the famed Carnegie Hall and Metropolitan Museum of Art that would become internationally established. The city’s 39 largest theatres are collectively known as » Broadway ,» The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts is the largest performing arts center in the United States.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Carnegie Hall

Philharmonic Hall

Flushing Meadows Park

New York City has over 28,000 acres (113 km²) of parkland and 14 miles (22 km) of public beaches. Manhattan’s Central Park is the most visited city park in the United States. Prospect Park in Brooklyn has a 90 acre (36 Hectare) meadow. Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, the city’s third largest, was the setting for the 1939 World’s Fair and 1964 World’s Fair.

Central Park

Prospect Park lake

New York’s food culture, influenced by the city’s immigrants and large number of dining patrons, is diverse. Jewish and Italian immigrants made the city famous for bagels , cheesecake and New York style pizza . Some 4,000 mobile food vendors licensed by the city, many immigrant-owned, have made Middle Eastern foods such as falafels and kebabs standbys of contemporary New York street food. The city is also home to many of the finest haute cuisine restaurants in the United States.





New York City has teams in each of the major American professional sports leagues. The city’s two current Major League Baseball teams are the New York Yankees and the New York Mets . The city is represented in the National Football League by the New York Jets and New York Giants . The New York Rangers and New York Islanders represent the city in the National Hockey League. The city’s National Basketball Association team is the New York Knicks.

Yankee Stadium. Bronx

Shea Stadium. Queens

Bronx Stadium

As a global city, New York supports many events outside the big four American sports. These include the U.S. Tennis Open , the New York City Marathon and the Millrose Games , an annual track and field meet whose featured event is the Wanamaker Mile. Boxing is also a very prominent part of the cities sporting scene, with events like the Amateur Boxing Golden Gloves being held at Madison Square Gardens each year.

Arthur Ashe Tennis Court

The city’s public school system, managed by the New York City Department of Education , is the largest in the United States. About 1.1 million students are taught in more than 1,200 separate primary and secondary schools. There are about 600,000 university students in New York City. New York City is also home to such notable private universities as Columbia University , Cooper Union , Fordham University , Manhattan College , The New School , New York Institute of Technology , New York University , Pace University , Polytechnic University , and St. John’s University .

Fordham University

Columbia University

New York Institute of Technology

Queens Library

New York Public Library

The New York Public Library , which has the largest collection of any public library system in the country, serves Manhattan, The Bronx, and Staten Island. Queens is served by the Queens Borough Public Library , which is the nation’s second largest public library system, and Brooklyn Public Library serves Brooklyn. The New York Public Library has several research libraries, including the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture .

Brooklyn Public Library

New York is home to the two busiest rail stations in the United States, including Grand Central Terminal and Penn Station .

Grand Central Terminal

Penn Station

The New York City Subway is one of the largest rapid transit systems in the world with 1,062 km of mainline track. The transportation system in New York City is extensive and complex. It includes the longest suspension bridge in North America, the world’s first mechanically ventilated vehicular tunnel, more than 12,000 yellow cabs and an aerial tramway that transports commuters between Roosevelt Island and Manhattan.


Презентация по английскому языку «New York».



New York – introduction

New York City’s five boroughs are home to some of the world’s most recognizable, cherished landmarks and attractions. From Times Square and Central Park to the Empire State Building and One World Observatory, the island of Manhattan packs more famous icons into one compact area than any other place on earth; and that’s to say nothing of the City’s four other boroughs—The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island—each of which contains its own roster of must-see destinations. With so much to see and do, we’ve rounded up the attractions that belong on any visitor’s to-see list. To get a sense of the City’s full breadth of activities, be sure to visit our complete list of tours and attractions for more ideas.

«New York» mean?

New York was named after the English Duke of York and Albany (and the brother of England’s King Charles II) in 1664 when the region called New Amsterdam was taken from the Dutch. The state was a colony of Great Britain until it became independent on July 4, 1776

New York became the 11th state in 1788. The New York quarter features 11 stars, an outline of the state showing the Hudson river and Erie canal, the Statue of Liberty, and the caption «Gateway to Freedom»

The symbols of

New York

The flag of New York

The emblem of New York

New – York is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River and consists of 5 parts.


It is the centre of American finance, advertising, art, theatre, publishing, fashion – and everything else.

Manhattan is a heart of New York. It is an island just 13 miles long and 2 miles wide. It is the centre of American finance, advertisement, trade and even more. The borough of Manhat­tan is what most people think New York. New York is one of the most exciting cities in the world.

Manhattan is divided into two parts: the East Side and the West Side. The dividing line is Fifth Avenue. So, for example, East 47th Street begins at Fifth Avenue, as West 47th Street does.

Brooklyn Bridge

Opened in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge provides passage between Brooklyn and Manhattan for motorists, trains, bicycles and pedestrians. One of the primary symbols of New York City, it is a marvel of design and provides spectacular views of the city’s skyline.

Some facts about Brooklyn Bridge

  • Brooklyn Bridge was opened for use on May 24, 1883. On that day, 1,800 vehicles and 150,300 people crossed the bridge.
  • At the time of its construction, Brooklyn Bridge was the only land passage between Manhattan and Brooklyn.
  • Brooklyn Bridge was designed by John Augustus Roebling, a German-born person.
  • It is said that during the construction of Brooklyn Bridge, as many as 27 people died, including John Roebling.
  • The towers of Brooklyn Bridge are built of limestone, granite and Rosendale cement, while their architectural style is Gothic.
  • Presently, Brooklyn Bridge has six lanes for motor vehicles and a separate walkway, along the centerline, for pedestrians and bicycles.
  • On March 24, 1983 Brooklyn Bridge was designated a National Historic Engineering Landmark.

Times Square

By the end of the nineteenth century, New York City had expanded up to 42nd street and the area was becoming the center of the city’s social scene. In 1904, the New York Times built the Times Tower on 43rd street just off Broadway to replace its downtown premises. The square in front of the building was called Longacre square, but was soon renamed Times Square. The name is now used for the area between 40th and 53rd street and 6th and 9th avenue.

Times Square Today

Today Times Square is a constantly buzzing tourist magnet; the square is even one of the most visited places in the world.


For most of its existence Times Square wasn’t much more than a large traffic intersection, but it is now being redeveloped into a pedestrian-friendly square with large car-free plazas replacing much of the asphalt. The redevelopment project — dubbed Times Square Transformation — started in 2012 and is expected to be completed in 2016. See the transformation here.

Many people come to Times Square for the ambiance and the billboards spectacle, but there are also many restaurants and shops — well over 100 — in the area including some crowd-pullers such as the Disney Store and a large Toys «R“ Us. But Times Square is best known for its entertainment, and plenty of visitors come here to attend a Broadway show. Times Square is also home to MTV’s headquarters and ABC’s ‘Good Morning America’ is broadcast in front of a live audience from its office at 44th and Broadway.

Paramount Building and Visitors Center

The most famous building at the square is undoubtedly the iconic Paramount Building. The building was home to the Paramount theater where stars such as Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra performed in their heyday. Unfortunately the theater was demolished and the Paramount building is now merely an office tower.

Another former theater, the Embassy Theater, is now the home of Times Square’s own visitors center. Here you can get information about events and Broadway shows. There’s also a small museum that tells the history of Times Square.

The top of the building, featuring the clock and globe, as seen from the west.

The Statue of Liberty is perhaps New York City’s most familiar landmark and the easiest one to overlook since it’s only accessible by boat. This historic monument has welcomed so many generations of hopeful Americans to Ellis Island. The American Family Immigration History Center at Ellis Island contains more than 25 million Port of New York passenger arrival records and 900 ship pictures circa 1892–1924.

» The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World» was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was designated as a National Monument in 1924. Employees of the National Park Service have been caring for the colossal copper statue since 1933.

The statue was designed by a young French sculptor, Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, who was striving to build a statue like the great Colossus that once stood at the Greek island Rhodes.

The statue’s face was modeled after his mother’s and the story goes that the body was modeled after a prostitute.

The crown of Lady Liberty, as the statue is often affectionately called, has seven spikes, symbolizing the Seven Seas across which liberty should be spread. In her left hand she holds a tablet with the Declaration of Independence and in her right hand a torch, symbolizing Enlightenment.

Statue of Liberty

The statue’s steel framework was made by the French engineer Gustave Eiffel, better known as the man behind the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Thanks to an ingenious construction consisting of copper plates attached to the metal framework, the statue is flexible enough to withstand heavy storms. Large iron bars attach the framework to a central pylon.

The Statue of Liberty was constructed in Paris, France. It took nine years before it was completed in 1884 after which it was sent to the USA in 214 crates. Even before the arrival of the statue, Bartholdi himself had traveled to the United States to discuss the location of the statue with president Ulysses S. Grant. Eventually it was decided tot erect the statue at a small island in the harbor of New York City. Today the island is known as Liberty Island.

The biggest and most embarrassing problem was the construction of the pedestal, which had to be paid for by the Americans themselves.

The statue’s torch was displayed in Madison Square park for six years — from 1876 until 1882 — in an attempt to spark interest and attract funds. But it was only after publisher Joseph Pulitzer published the names of those who donated money for the project that the funds started flowing in. Eventually, the statue was erected ten years late, in 1886, when it was officially inaugurated by president Grover Cleveland.


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ВНИМАНИЮ ВСЕХ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ: согласно Федеральному закону N273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» педагогическая деятельность требует от педагога наличия системы специальных знаний в области обучения и воспитания детей с ОВЗ. Поэтому для всех педагогов является актуальным повышение квалификации по этому направлению!

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New York City is a city in the southern end of the state of New York, and is the most populous city in the United States of America. New York City is a global economic center, The city is also an important cultural center, with many museums, galleries,. New York City has the highest population density of major cities in the United States. The New York metropolitan area, with a population of 18 million, ranks among the largest areas in the world. Manhattan Bronx Brooklyn Staten Island Queens Bronx

3 слайд Описание слайда:

The five boroughs: 1: Manhattan, 2: Brooklyn, 3: Queens, 4: Bronx, 5: Staten Island New York City is comprised of five boroughs.

4 слайд Описание слайда:

The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in the United States, connecting the Manhattan and Brooklyn. The bridge cost $15 million to build and about 27 people died during its construction.

5 слайд Описание слайда:

Manhattan is the most densely populated borough of New York City and home to most of the city’s skyscrapers. The borough contains the major business and financial centers of the city and many cultural attractions,. Manhattan is divided into Downtown, Midtown, and Uptown regions. Uptown Manhattan is divided by Central Park into the Upper East Side and the Upper West Side, and above the park is Harlem.

6 слайд Описание слайда:

New York City Hall is the seat of the government of New York City. Blue Room Governor’s Room

7 слайд Описание слайда:

The United Nations Headquarters occupies six block area. The regular session is held annually beginning in the fall .

8 слайд Описание слайда:

Wall Street is the major financial centre of the U. S. and symbolizes the money market and financiers of the U.S.

9 слайд Описание слайда:

Times Square is at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. Smaller than Red Square in Moscow or Trafalgar Square in London, Times Square has become a symbol of its home city.

10 слайд Описание слайда:

The city’s 39 largest theatres are known as «Broadway”. Broadway theatre is the most prestigious form of professional theatre in the U.S.

11 слайд Описание слайда:

The Woolworth Building, at 55 stories, is one of the oldest and one of the most famous skyscrapers in New York City.

12 слайд Описание слайда:

The World Trade Center towers were the worlds tallest buildings in 1973. Most New Yorkers were fond of «The Twin Towers“. But in September 11, 2001 terrorists attacked them.

13 слайд Описание слайда:

The Empire State Building became the tallest skyscraper in New York on september 11,2001 architects: shreve , Lamb and Harmon. The work stared january 22, 1930.The work was completed november 13,1930.floors 103

14 слайд Описание слайда:

Rockefeller Center is «a city within a city“. It is the largest private building project It is a complex of 19 commercial buildings with its own restaurants, stores, theatres, post­ offices. GE Building

15 слайд Описание слайда:

The Chrysler Building is an Art Deco skyscraper. It has 77 stories. It was originally built to house the Chrysler Corporation. Elevator

16 слайд Описание слайда:

The Museum of Modern Art is regarded as the leading museum of modern art in the world.

17 слайд Описание слайда:

Central Park is a large public park. With about twenty-five million visitors annually, Central Park is the most visited city park in the United States. Central Park contains several lakes, walking tracks, two ice-skating rinks, grassy areas and playgrounds for children.

18 слайд Описание слайда:

The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, is the largest performing arts center in the United States. New York State Theater Philharmonic Hall Metropolitan Opera House

19 слайд Описание слайда:

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, founded in 1937, is a modern art museum. It is the last major work of Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the world’s most prominent architects.

20 слайд Описание слайда:

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the world’s largest and most important art museums. The main building is located on the eastern edge of Central Park. The Met’s permanent collection contains more than two million works of art. Middle Age Hall Roman Statue

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему «New York»

ВНИМАНИЮ ВСЕХ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ: согласно Федеральному закону N273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» педагогическая деятельность требует от педагога наличия системы специальных знаний в области обучения и воспитания детей с ОВЗ. Поэтому для всех педагогов является актуальным повышение квалификации по этому направлению!

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1 слайд Описание слайда:

New york

2 слайд Описание слайда:

New York is the biggest city in the USA and one of the largest cities of the World. It is the capital of New York State.

3 слайд Описание слайда:

The total area of New York is 900 square kilometers. Its population together with the population of its suburbs amounts to 16 million people. Among the inhabitants of New York one can meet people of almost all nationalities. They settled here during the immigration in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century. There are five districts in the city: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond.

4 слайд Описание слайда:

Manhattan is the central and the oldest part of the city. In 1626 the Dutch Governor, Peter Minuit, concluded with the Iroquois what American business experts call «the most profitable commercial deal in the U.S. history». With several bottles of gin and a handful of trinkets that cost twenty-four dollars, he bought a large island from trusting Indians. Later the Indians named the island Manhattan which in Iroquois means: «They cheated us».

5 слайд Описание слайда:

Brooklyn has so many people that if it were a separate city, it would be the fourth largest city in the United States.

6 слайд Описание слайда:

New York, one of the USA leading manufacturing cities, is the home of great firms and banks. It is here in Wall Street that many business offices, banks and the world famous New York stock exchange are situated. The New York stock exchange dominates business life of many countries.

7 слайд Описание слайда:

New York is one of the biggest seaport s in the world because it is situated on the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the city is open to ocean-going ships the year round.

8 слайд Описание слайда:

New York is also cultural center of the country. It has many museums, art galleries, theatres. There are two world-famous streets in New York — Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Broadway is situated in Manhattan and houses lots of entertaining and spectacular facilities which turned the Broadway into the symbol of entertainment industry. Most of the theatres and cinemas are in or near Broadway, the longest street and the biggest shopping district in New York.

9 слайд Описание слайда:

Fifth Avenue is the great shopping, hotel and club avenue. The Empire State Building is at Fifth Avenue. It’s a 102-storeyed building, was built in 1931. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is also at Fifth Avenue. It includes hundreds of world famous masterpieces and attracts many visitors.

10 слайд Описание слайда:

There are a great number of places to visit in the city, but one of the most famous sights is the Statue of Liberty. People from all over the world want to take a photo with this giant sculpture of a woman, who is the national symbol of freedom. It was a present from France in 1876 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of American independence.

11 слайд Описание слайда:

One of the architectural wonders of New York is a famous Brooklyn Bridge, which crosses the East River strait. The length of the bridge is 1825 meters and it connects Manhattan with Brooklyn.

12 слайд Описание слайда:

Art lovers will find many interesting museums in New York, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, American Museum of Natural History and many others.

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему » Нью-Йорк. Бродвей»

ВНИМАНИЮ ВСЕХ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ: согласно Федеральному закону N273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» педагогическая деятельность требует от педагога наличия системы специальных знаний в области обучения и воспитания детей с ОВЗ. Поэтому для всех педагогов является актуальным повышение квалификации по этому направлению!

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1 слайд Описание слайда:

Broadway Danila E.

2 слайд Описание слайда:

Broadway — it is not just one of the streets of New — York , and the whole world , bright and amazing . Hard to believe that when — that this street was a simple path , winding among the rocks and swamps Manhattan. Now it is surrounded by theaters . 39 more theaters are located along Broadway, and all through this quarter called the Theatre

3 слайд Описание слайда:

This street gave the world tickets — namely musical performances on Broadway, made ​​this genre popular worldwide

4 слайд Описание слайда:

The Phantom of the Opera

5 слайд Описание слайда:


6 слайд Описание слайда:


7 слайд Описание слайда:

My Fair Lady

8 слайд Описание слайда:

Thank you!

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Welcome to


New York


is in

the state of

New York.

It`s not the capital , but it is the largest city in the country.

There are 50 states in America. One of them is New York.

The state

of New York

New York


a borough [bʌrǝ]

Manhattan [mæn`hætn ]

Brooklyn [`brʊklin]

Queens [kwi:nz]

Staten Island [`stætn`ailǝnd]

the Bronx [ brɒɧks ]

the Hudson [`hʌdsǝn]

New York is on the Hudson River.

New York consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx.

The city has a lot of nicknames. Here are some of them: “The Big Apple”, “The City That Never Sleeps”, “The Capital of the World”, “The Center of the Universe” …

The Big Apple`s mega star is

the Empire State Building

It took less than two years to build it (one year and 45 days).

The building has 103 floors.

Total height is 443.2 meters to top of the lightning rod.

It is the world`s greatest TV tower (1,454 feet)

The work was completed on November 13, 1930.

Over 2,5 million visitors from every state in the US and nearly every foreign country visit “top of the Empire State” each year.

The Empire State Building became the tallest skyscraper in New York on September 11, 2001.

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be higher.

They used to be the tallest buildings in New York.

They were destroyed by terrorists on September 11, 2001.

The Rockefeller Center

Located in the center of Midtown Manhattan, Rockefeller Center or Rockefeller Plaza is a complex of 19 commercial buildings.

NBC studios, Radio City Music Hall are among them.

The Rockefeller Center Christmas trees are the largest and the most beautiful in New York

The Chrysler Building

The Chrysler Building was the world`s tallest building until the Empire State Building came along.

The Building was finished in 1927.

The Chrysler Building was done in art deco style.

The 77-floor building is located in Midtown Manhattan.

The Statue of Liberty

The millions of immigrants who had to come to America by sea were welcomed by a very tall woman, America`s symbol of freedom.

The woman is still there looking out to sea. She is the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous symbols of America.

This monument was built in New York Harbor in 1886. It was a gift from the people of France.

The Statue of Liberty and Liberty Island

Sightseeing tours with helicopters

You can book a helicopter tour. It includes Liberty Island and Midtown, which gives you a perfect opportunity to get a bird`s eye view of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty.

The Guggenheim Museum [`gʊgǝnhaɪm mju:`ziǝm]

It contains one of the world`s finest collections of contemporary art.

Named the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in honor of its founder, the museum is in fact better known for its amazing building.

The museum was opened in 1959 and immediately became the focus of critics.

It was designed by the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright , who broke all the old standard rules and came up with a totally new concept of style.

Look at its shape!

Broadway is the most famous street in New York. It is one of the longest avenues in Manhattan (25 km.), but it is famous not only for this fact.

It is also famous for the small area near Times Square where Broadway crosses 7th Avenue. This is the home of many Broadway theaters and is known as the Theater District . The lights from all the theaters and advertisements are very bright.

The hit which was born on Broadway is “Chicago”! This fantastic musical is still the biggest hit in town. Thousands of people come to Broadway to see this great show in the Ambassador theater.

This part of Broadway is also known as “the Great White Way” .

Times Square

There are always a lot of tourists here.

New Yorkers and tourists like to celebrate New Year in Times Square. On New Year`s Eve, December 31, crowds of people stand in Times Square and wait for midnight.

Central Park

Central Park is so huge that you can get lost there. It can be called the lungs of New York. • Central Park is used by thousands of New Yorkers and visitors every day. Here you will see families walking their dogs and young people riding their bikes and roller-skating.

You can also see baseball and soccer here.

Some people come here just to rest. They walk, sit in the sun, listen to music.


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