Russian poet and writer Alexander S. Pushkin was born
The role of A. S. Pushkin is extremely prominent. It was due to him that thousands of people got the literature education… He was the first to give the Russian literature the status of the whole nation’s matter… He became the first poet, who in the eyes of Russian people took that high place, which a great poet should take in his country.
N. G. Chernyshevsky
On May 26 (June 6) 1799 in Moscow, in the German quarter was born the Great Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, publicist, critic, founder of the new Russian literature, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
Father of Alexander S. Pushkin, Sergei Lvovich, descended from a distinguished noble family; his mother, Nadezhda Osipovna, born Hannibal, was a granddaughter of Abram Petrovich Hannibal — “Peter the Great’s Negro”.
Alexander Pushkin received his elementary education at home. In 1811 he entered the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo — a privileged educational institution, which following a special program prepared statesmen from children of the nobility. At the lyceum the future poet was noticed by G. R. Derzhavin, N. M. Karamzin, K. N. Batyushkov, V. A. Zhukovsky.
Already in 1814 the Moscow magazine “Europe’s bulletin” (“Vestnik Evropy”) published the first poem by Alexander Pushkin “To the Friend-poet”, and in 1815 about 18 poems by the young poet came out in the magazine “Russian Museum”.
In 1817 Alexander Sergeevich graduated from the Lyceum, moved to St. Petersburg and got a position at the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. The major poem “Ruslan and Ludmila”, published in 1820, arouse much controversy about its subject and style. Political poems by A. S. Pushkin (“Liberty”, “To Chaadaev”, “The Village”) became the reason of dissatisfaction of Alexander I and in May 1820, the poet was exiled from the capital. Pushkin travelled to the Caucuses, later to the Crimea, he lived in Kishinev and Odessa, where he met with future Decembrists – V. F. Raevsky, P. I. Pestel, M. F. Orlov and many others. During the “south” exile Pushkin wrote such romantic poems like “The Captive of the Caucasus”, “The Robber Brothers”, “The Fountain of Bakhchisaray”; in 1823 he started his work on the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”.
In July 1824 due to complicated relations with the Count Vorontsov, who supervised Pushkin’s exile in Odessa, Pushkin was forced from the city, fired from the government service and exiled to his mother’s estate in Mikhailovskoe (near Pskov) “to the supervision of local authorities”. During the “north” exile Alexander Sergeevich continued his work on “Eugene Onegin”, wrote “Boris Godunov”, and many poems. It was in the Mikhailovskoe estate that Pushkin learnt about the Decembrist Uprising and Decembrists’ execution.
On September 8 1826 following the imperial command, Pushkin was delivered to Moscow and granted an audience with Emperor Nicholas I. The Emperor returned the poet from an exile and himself started censoring his works.
In 1830 Pushkin, who had been dreaming about the family, made a proposal to a young Moscow beauty Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova. Before the wedding he had to go to the Boldino estate (Nizhny Novgorod) to deal with property issues, where he was detained due to the threat of cholera epidemic. During three months of the “Boldino autumn” (September 3 — November 30 ноября) the poet created about 50 works of different genres and completed “Eugene Onegin”.
On December 5 (17) 1830 Alexander Pushkin returned to Moscow, and on February 18 (March 2) 1831 took place his wedding ceremony with N. N. Goncharova. In May 1831 Pushkin’s family moved to Tsarskoe Selo.
At that time Pushkin displayed a keen interest to the history of Russia, reforms of Peter the Great, problem of the place and role of individual in the history of the country. Alexander Sergeevich spent much time in the archives, accumulating materials for the “A History of Peter”, “A History of Pugachev”, wrote historical works (“Notes on the Russian history of 18 th c.”, “Poltava”, “Peter the Great’s Negro”).
In November 1836 Pushkin and some of his acquaintances received an anonymous libel, insulting the dignity of Pushkin’s wife and his own. Well-considered and treacherous intrigue resulted into a duel between the poet and his wife’s admirer, French emigrant Georges d’Anthès.
On January 27 (February 8) 1837 in St. Petersburg Pushkin was mortally injured and on January 29 (February 10) 1837 died. The poet was buried at the cemetery of the Svyatogorsky monastery not far from Mikhailovskoe estate.
On June 6 (18) 1880 during the holiday, dedicated to the poet’s birthday, the first monument in the honor of Alexander S. Pushkin in Russia, created by sculptor A. M. Opekushin was unveiled in Tverskoi Boulevard. In 1950 the monument was moved to the square, named after the poet.
Pushkin Day in Russia has been celebrated in our country annually from 1998 in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation of May 21 1997 “On 200
Lit.: Александр Сергеевич Пушкин. Биографический очерк, характеристика личности и литературной деятельности поэта. Варшава, 1899; Архангельский А. С. А. С. Пушкин в его произведениях и письмах. Казань, 1887; Вересаев В. В. Пушкин в жизни. СПб., 2007; Данзас К. К. Последние дни жизни и кончина Александра Сергеевича Пушкина. СПб., 1863; Дуэль Пушкина с Дантесом-Геккереном. Подлинное военно-судное дело 1837 г. СПб., 1900; Кузьминский К. С. А. С. Пушкин, его публицистическая и журнальная деятельность. М., 1901; Лотман Ю. М. Пушкин: статьи и заметки. М., 2008; Майков Л. Н. Пушкин. Биографические материалы и историко-литературные очерки. СПб., 1899; Незеленов А. И. Собрание сочинений. А. С. Пушкин в его поэзии. СПб., 1903. Т. 1; Павлищев Л. Н. Из семейной хроники. Воспоминания об А. С. Пушкине. М., 1890; Павлищев Л. Н. Кончина Александра Сергеевича Пушкина. СПб., 1899; Покровский Н. Н. А. С. Пушкин в его значении художественном, историческом и общественном. М., 1905; Пущин И. И. Записки о Пушкине. СПб., 1907; Рассадин И. П. Очерк жизни Александра Сергеевича Пушкина. М., 1880; Скабичевский А. М. А. С. Пушкин. Его жизнь и литературная деятельность. СПб., 1891; Смирнов А. И. Три речи об А. С. Пушкине. Варшава, 1899; Соловьев В. С. Судьба Пушкина. СПб., 1898; Современник. Литературный журнал, издаваемый Александром Пушкиным. СПб., 1836. Т. 1; Т. 2; Фаресов А. И. Александр Сергеевич Пушкин и чествование его памяти. СПб., 1899; Чернышевский Н. Г. Александр Сергеевич Пушкин. Его жизнь и сочинения. СПб., 1856; Шляпкин И. А. К биографии А. С. Пушкина. Т. 1, 1899; Т. 2, 1885; Якушкин В. Е. О Пушкине. Статьи и заметки. М., 1899.
From the Presidential library materials:
Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837): digital collection.
Биография Александра Пушкина на английском языке. Biography of Alexander Pushkin
Pushkin was born in Moscow in 1799 into an upper-class family. In 1811 he entered a lyceum at Tsarskoye Selo. The education offered at the lyceum shaped Pushkin’s life.
He graduated from the lyceum in 1817 and began to work in the foreign office in St. Petersburg.
In 1820 the foreign office transferred Pushkin to Ekaterinoslav, and later to Odessa for writing anti-tsarist poetry. In 1824, for his letter against the tsar, he was exiled to Mikhailovskoye. In 1824, Tsar Nicholas I allowed Pushkin to return to Moscow.
Pushkin felt in love with Natalya Goncharova, who was 16 then, and in 1830 they got married. His wife was suspected of an affair with Baron Georges d’Antes; this became the subject of gossip. Pushkin challenged d’Antes to a duel. Pushkin was wounded and died two days later.
Pushkin was the Russia’s greatest poet. In his works he was first influenced by 18th century poets, and then by Lord Byron. Finally he developed his own style, which was realistic but classical in form.
His earliest long poem was romantic «Ruslan and Lyudmila» (1818-1820). A series of verse tales followed «The Prisoner of the Caucasus», «The Robber Brothers», «The Fountain of Bakhchisarai», and «The Gypsies». They were inspired by Byron’s poetry.
In 1823 Pushkin began writing his masterpiece «Eugene Onegin», a novel in verse. «Eugene Onegin» became the linguistic and literary standard. It is a commentary on the life of the early 19th century Russia. It is noted for brilliant verse.
He also wrote other long poems, including «Bronze Horseman» (1833), the finest collection of lyrics in Russian literature.
Pushkin created also a number of masterpieces in drama and prose. «Little Tragedies» and «The Stone Guest» are among the best works in the world history of drama. Pushkin’s love to Russia’s past resulted in his historical drama, «Boris Godunov» (1825). «Tales of the Late I.P.Belkin», «Dubrovsky», «The Captain’s Daughter» are the most important of his prose works. Pushkin’s use of Russian influenced the great Russian writers Turgenev, Goncharov, Tolstoy.
Pushkin’s early death shocked the country. Pushkin, called by many «the sun of Russian literature», belongs among the foremost poets and writers of the world.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin Biography — Biography of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was a Russian author of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.
According to Vladimir Nabokov,
«Pushkin’s idiom combined all the contemporaneous elements of Russian with all he had learned from Derzhavin, Zhukovsky, Batyushkov, Karamzin, and Krylov; these elements are: 1. The poetical and metaphysical strain that still lived in Church Slavonic forms and locutions; 2. Abundant and natural gallicisms; 3. The everyday colloquialisms of his set; and 4. Stylized popular speech. He made a salad of the famous three styles (low, medium elevation, high) dear to the pseudoclassical archaists, and added to it the ingredients of Russian romanticists with a pinch of parody.»
Born into the Russian nobility in Moscow, Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen, and was widely recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo.
While under the strict surveillance of the Tsar’s political police and unable to publish, Pushkin wrote his most famous play, the drama Boris Godunov. His novel in verse, Eugene Onegin, was serialized between 1825 and 1832.
Notoriously touchy about his honour, Pushkin fought a total of twenty-nine duels. At the age of thirty-seven years, however, Alexander Pushkin was fatally wounded in such an encounter with Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d’Anthès. D’Anthès, a French officer serving with the Chevalier Guard Regiment, had been attempting to seduce the poet’s wife, Natalya Pushkina. Pushkin’s early death is still regarded as a catastrophe for Russian literature.
In 1937, the town of Tsarskoe Selo was renamed Pushkin in his honour. In more recent years, his life has inspired the film Pushkin: The Last Duel.
Life and career
Pushkin’s father Sergei Lvovich Pushkin (1767–1848) descended from a distinguished family of the Russian nobility which traced its ancestry back to the 12th century.Pushkin’s mother Nadezhda (Nadja) Ossipovna Gannibal (1775–1836) descended through her paternal grandmother from German and Scandinavian nobility. She was the daughter of Ossip Abramovich Gannibal (1744–1807) and his wife Maria Aleksejevna Pushkina (1745–1818). Ossip Abramovich Gannibal’s father, Pushkin’s great-grandfather, was Abram Petrovich Gannibal (1696–1781), an African page raised by Peter the Great. The only known fact was that he himself wrote in a letter to Empress Elizabeth, Peter the Great’s daughter, that he was from the town of «Lagon.» Russian biographers concluded from the beginning that Lagon was in Ethiopia, a country with Christian associations. Vladimir Nabokov, researching Eugene Onegin, cast serious doubt on this Ethiopian origin theory. Dieudonné Gnammankou outlined the strong case in 1995 that «Lagon» was a town located on the southern side of Lake Chad, now located in northern Cameroon. However, there is no conclusive evidence of either theory. After education in France as a military engineer, Abram Gannibal became governor of Reval and eventually Général en Chef (the third most senior army rank) in charge of the building of sea forts and canals in Russia.
Born in Moscow, Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen. By the time he finished as part of the first graduating class of the prestigious Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo near Saint Petersburg, the Russian literary scene recognized his talent widely. After finishing school, Pushkin installed himself in the vibrant and raucous intellectual youth culture of the capital, Saint Petersburg. In 1820 he published his first long poem, Ruslan and Lyudmila, amidst much controversy about its subject and style.
Pushkin gradually became committed to social reform and emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals. This angered the government, and led to his transfer from the capital (1820). He went to the Caucasus and to the Crimea, then to Kamenka and Chiþinau, where he became a Freemason. Here he joined the Filiki Eteria, a secret organization whose purpose was to overthrow the Ottoman rule over Greece and establish an independent Greek state. He was inspired by the Greek Revolution and when the war against the Ottoman Turks broke out he kept a diary with the events of the great national uprising. He stayed in Chiþinau until 1823 and wrote there two Romantic poems which brought him wide acclaim, The Captive of the Caucasus and The Fountain of Bakhchisaray. In 1823 Pushkin moved to Odessa, where he again clashed with the government, which sent him into exile at his mother’s rural estate in Mikhailovskoe (near Pskov) from 1824 to 1826. However, some of the authorities allowed him to visit Tsar Nicholas I to petition for his release, which he obtained. But some of the insurgents in the Decembrist Uprising (1825) in Saint Petersburg had kept some of his early political poems amongst their papers, and soon Pushkin found himself under the strict control of government censors and unable to travel or publish at will. He had written what became his most famous play, the drama Boris Godunov, while at his mother’s estate but could not gain permission to publish it until five years later. The drama’s original, uncensored version would not receive a premiere until 2007.
In the year 1831, during the days of Pushkin’s growing literary influence, he met one of Russia’s other greatest early writers, Nikolai Gogol. After reading Gogol’s 1831–1832 volume of short stories Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, Pushkin would support him critically and later in 1836 after starting his magazine, The Contemporary, would feature some of Gogol’s most famous short stories. Later, Pushkin and his wife Natalya Goncharova, whom he married in 1831, became regulars of court society. When the Tsar gave Pushkin the lowest court title, the poet became enraged: he felt this occurred not only so that his wife, who had many admirers—including the Tsar himself—could properly attend court balls, but also to humiliate him. In 1837, falling into greater and greater debt amidst rumors that his wife had started conducting a scandalous affair, Pushkin challenged her alleged lover, his brother in-law Georges d’Anthès, to a duel which left both men injured, Pushkin mortally. He died two days later. His last home is a museum now.
The government feared a political demonstration at his funeral, which it moved to a smaller location and made open only to close relatives and friends. His body was spirited away secretly at midnight and buried on his mother’s estate.
Pushkin’s descendants
Pushkin had four children from his marriage to Natalya: Maria (b. 1832, touted as a prototype of Anna Karenina), Alexander (b. 1833), Grigory (b. 1835), and Natalya (b. 1836) the last of whom married, morganatically, into the royal house of Nassau to Nikolaus Wilhelm of Nassau and became the Countess of Merenberg. Of Pushkin’s children only the lines of Alexander and Natalia continue. Natalia married Prince Nikolaus Wilhelm of Nassau, and their grand-daughter, Nadejda, married into the British royal family (her husband was the uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh).The descendants of the poet now live around the globe: in England, Germany and Belgium.
Literary legacy
Critics consider many of his works masterpieces, such as the poem The Bronze Horseman and the drama The Stone Guest, a tale of the fall of Don Juan. His poetic short drama «Mozart and Salieri» was the inspiration for Peter Shaffer’s Amadeus. Pushkin himself preferred his verse novel Eugene Onegin, which he wrote over the course of his life and which, starting a tradition of great Russian novels, follows a few central characters but varies widely in tone and focus. «Onegin» is a work of such complexity that, while only about a hundred pages long, translator Vladimir Nabokov needed two full volumes of material to fully render its meaning in English. Because of this difficulty in translation, Pushkin’s verse remains largely unknown to English readers. Even so, Pushkin has profoundly influenced western writers like Henry James.
Pushkin’s works also provided fertile ground for Russian composers. Glinka’s Ruslan and Lyudmila is the earliest important Pushkin-inspired opera, and a landmark in the tradition of Russian music. Tchaikovsky’s operas Eugene Onegin (1879) and The Queen of Spades (1890) became perhaps better known outside of Russia than Pushkin’s own works of the same name, while Mussorgsky’s monumental Boris Godunov (two versions, 1868-9 and 1871-2) ranks as one of the very finest and most original of Russian operas. Other Russian operas based on Pushkin include Dargomyzhsky’s Rusalka and The Stone Guest; Rimsky-Korsakov’s Mozart and Salieri, Tale of Tsar Saltan, and The Golden Cockerel; Cui’s Prisoner of the Caucasus, Feast in Time of Plague, and The Captain’s Daughter; Tchaikovsky’s Mazeppa; Rachmaninov’s one-act operas Aleko (based on The Gypsies) and The Miserly Knight; Stravinsky’s Mavra, and Nápravník’s Dubrovsky. This is not to mention ballets and cantatas, as well as innumerable songs set to Pushkin’s verse (including even his French-language poems, in Isabelle Aboulker’s song cycle “Caprice étrange”). Suppé, Leoncavallo and Malipiero, among non-Russian composers, have based operas on his works.
Although Pushkin is considered the central representative of The Age of Romanticism in Russian literature, he can’t be labelled unequivocally as a Romantic: Russian critics have traditionally argued that his works represent a path from neo-Classicism through Romanticism to Realism, while an alternative assessment suggests that «he had an ability to entertain contrarieties which may seem Romantic in origin, but is ultimately subversive of all fixed points of view, all single outlooks, including the Romantic» and that «he is simultaneously Romantic and not Romantic».
Influence on the Russian language
Alexander Pushkin is usually credited with developing Russian literature. Not only is he seen as having originated the highly nuanced level of language which characterizes Russian literature after him, but he is also credited with substantially augmenting the Russian lexicon. Where he found gaps in the Russian vocabulary, he devised calques. His rich vocabulary and highly sensitive style are the foundation for modern Russian literature. His talent set up new records for development of the Russian language and culture. He became the father of Russian literature in the 19th century, marking the highest achievements of 18th century and the beginning of literary process of the 19th century. Alexander Pushkin introduced Russia to all the European literary genres as well as a great number of West European writers. He brought natural speech and foreign influences to create modern poetic Russian. Though his life was brief, he left examples of nearly every literary genre of his day: lyric poetry, narrative poetry, the novel, the short story, the drama, the critical essay, and even the personal letter. Pushkin’s work as a journalist marked the birth of the Russian magazine culture, including him devising and contributing heavily to one of the most influential literary magazines of the 19th century, the Sovremennik (The Contemporary, or Современник). From him derive the folk tales and genre pieces of other authors: Esenin, Leskov and Gorky. His use of Russian language formed the basis of the style of novelists Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Goncharov, and Leo Tolstoy. Pushkin was recognized by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, his successor and pupil, the great Russian critic Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky, who produced the fullest and deepest critical study of Pushkin’s work, which still retains much of its relevance. Alexander Pushkin became an inseparable part of the literary world of the Russian people. He also exerted a profound influence on other aspects of Russian culture, most notably in opera. Translated into all the major languages, his works are regarded both as expressing most completely Russian national consciousness and as transcending national barriers. Pushkin’s intelligence, sharpness of his opinion, his devotion to poetry, realistic thinking and incredible historical and political intuition make him one of the greatest Russian national geniuses.
The Secret Journal
In 1986, a book entitled Secret Journal 1836–1837 was published by a Minneapolis publishing house (M.I.P. Company), claiming to be the decoded content of an encrypted private journal kept by Pushkin. Promoted with few details about its contents, and touted for many years as being ‘banned in Russia’, it was an erotic novel narrated from Pushkin’s perspective. Some mail-order publishers still carry the work under its fictional description. In 2001 it was first published in Moscow by Ladomir Publishing House which created a scandal. In 2006 a bilingual Russian-English edition was published in Russia by Retro Publishing House. Now published in 24 countries. Staged in Paris in 2006. In 2011 new editions were published in France by Belfond and in the USA by M.I.P. Company.
Pushkin’s death was portrayed in the 2006 biopic Pushkin: The Last Duel. The film was directed by Natalya Bondarchuk. Pushkin was portrayed onscreen by Sergei Bezrukov.
The Pushkin Trust was established in 1987 by the Duchess of Abercorn to commemorate the creative legacy and spirit of her ancestor Alexander Pushkin and to release the creativity and imagination of the children of Ireland by providing them with opportunities to communicate their thoughts, feelings and experiences.
A minor planet, 2208 Pushkin, discovered in 1977 by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Stepanovich Chernykh is named after him. A crater on Mercury is also named in his honour.
MS Alexandr Pushkin second ship of the Russian Ivan Franko class (also referred to as «poet» or «writer» class).
«Alexander Pushkin. Biography & his masterpieces»
Presentation on theme: ««Alexander Pushkin. Biography & his masterpieces»»— Presentation transcript:
ins[data-ad-slot=»4502451947″]{display:none !important;}} @media(max-width:800px){#place_14>ins:not([data-ad-slot=»4502451947″]){display:none !important;}} @media(max-width:800px){#place_14 { width: 250px;}} @media(max-width:500px) {#place_14 { width: 120px;}} ]]>1 «Alexander Pushkin. Biography & his masterpieces»
2 Useful Vocabulary: provide the standards for – стать образцом
2. upper-class family – аристократическая семья 3. to enter a lyceum – поступить в лицей 4. to shape – формировать 5. foreign office – министерство иностранных дел 6. anti-tsarist poetry – поэзия, направленная против царя 7. to be exiled to – быть сосланным в … 8. to be suspected of an affair with – подозреваться в романе с … 9. to challenge somebody to a duel – вызвать кого-либо на дуэль 10. to be badly wounded – быть тяжело раненным 11. a novel in verse – роман в стихах 12. to influence – оказывать влияние 13. to belong among the foremost poets and writers – принадлежать к лучшим поэтам и писателям
3 His childhood Pushkin was born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow in an upper-class family. The Pushkin’s family traced it lineage back seven hundred years to the historical beginnings of the Russian state.
4 The education in Tsarskoye Selo
In 1811 he entered a lyceum at Tsarskoye Selo- a newly – founded school for the sons of the nobility, designed to prepare these young noblemen for careers in government service. The education offered at the lyceum shaped his life. He graduated from the lyceum in 1817.
6 Exile to Mikhailovskoye
In 1817 he began to work in the foreign office in St. Petersburg. He wrote anti-tsarist poetry, and in 1824, for his letter against the tsar, he was exiled to Mikhailovskoye. In 1826, Tsar Nicholas I allowed Pushkin to return to Moscow.
7 Natalya Goncharova Pushkin fell in love with Natalya Goncharova, and in 1830 they got married. His wife was suspected of an affair with Baron Georges d’Antes. This became the subject of gossip.
8 A duel Pushkin challenged d’Antes to a duel. Pushkin was badly wounded and died two days later.
9 The greatest poet Pushkin was Russia’s greatest poet. In his works he was influenced by the eighteenth century poets. He developed his own style, which is realistic but classical in form. He wrote a lot of poetry and prose.
10 “Eugene Onegin”- a novel in verse
In 1823 Pushkin began writing his masterpiece “Eugene Onegin”, a novel in verse. This poem became the linguistic and literary standard. It is a commentary on the life of the early nineteenth century in Russia. It is noted for brilliant verse.
11 Духовный мир Татьяны Лариной
12 Душа – это внутренний мир человека
Душа – это внутренний мир человека. Душевный – искренний, дружелюбный, любящий.
13 Богатство внутреннего мира Татьяны
14 Pushkin’s masterpieces
Pushkin created also a number of masterpieces in drama and prose. His use of Russian influenced the language of great Russian writers Turgenev, Goncharov, Tolstoy and others. Among his masterpieces are “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai”, “Little Tragedies”, “Dubrovsky”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, “Boris Godunov” and others.
15 Pushkin’s death Pushkin’s early death shocked the country. He belongs among the foremost poets and writers of the world.
16 РЕФЛЕКСИЯ Какие новые знания вы получили сегодня на уроке
РЕФЛЕКСИЯ Какие новые знания вы получили сегодня на уроке? «Я задумалась о ценности любви, о жизни…» «Я заглянула в свой собственный мир и поняла…» «Поняла, что то, что я чувствую, другие могут не понять…»
Alexander Pushkin — Poems in English
Biography of Alexander Pushkin
date | place | |
born | June 06, 1799 | Moscow |
died | February 10, 1837 | Sankt Peterburg |
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (Алекса́ндр Серге́евич Пу́шкин) was a Russian author of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. The major part of his lyrical poetry was written between 1820 and 1830, but some of his poetical masterpieces were composed in the last seven years of his life, when he was turning his attention to prose. A development can be traced from the sparkling ebullience of his early verse — the crowning achievement of which is the first chapter of Evgeny Onegin, written in 1823 — to the concetrated expressiveness and restrained power of his later poetry. By effecting a new synthesis between the three main ingredients of the Russian literary idiom — the Church Slovanic, the Western European borrowings, and the spoken vernacular — Pushkin created the language of modern Russian poetry. His personal life was made difficult by his conflicts with the authorities who disapproved of his liberal views. Pushkin was born into Russian nobility in Moscow. He published his first poem at the age of fifteen. By the time he finished school his talent was already widely recognized within the Russian literary scene. After school, Pushkin plunged into the vibrant and raucous intellectual youth culture of the capital, Saint Petersburg. Alexandr Pushkin gradually became committed to social reform and emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals. This angered the government, and led to his transfer from the capital (1820). He went to the Caucasus and to the Crimea, then to Kamenka and Chişinău, where he became a Freemason. Here he joined the Filiki Eteria, a secret organization whose purpose was to overthrow Ottoman rule in Greece and establish an independent Greek state. He was inspired by the Greek Revolution and when the war against the Ottoman Turks broke out he kept a diary recording the events of the great national uprising. Around 1828, Pushkin met Natalya Goncharova, then 16 years old and one of the most talked-about beauties of Moscow. After much hesitation, Natalya accepted a proposal of marriage from Pushkin in April 1830, but not before she received assurances that the tsarist government had no intentions to persecute the libertarian poet. Later, Alexander Pushkin and his wife Natalya Goncharova, became regulars of court society. When the Tsar gave Pushkin the lowest court title, the poet became enraged, feeling that the Tsar intended to humiliate him by implying that Pushkin was being admitted to court not on his own merits but solely so that his wife, who had many admirers including the Tsar himself, could properly attend court balls. In the year 1831, during the period of Pushkin’s growing literary influence, he met one of Russia’s other great early writers, Nikolai Gogol. After reading Gogol’s volume of short stories Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka, Pushkin supported him and would feature some of Gogol’s most famous short stories in the magazine The Contemporary, which he founded in 1836. By 1837, Pushkin was falling into greater and greater debt and faced scandalous rumors that his wife had embarked on a love affair. In response, the poet challenged Natalya’s alleged lover, her brother in-law Georges d’Anthès, to a duel which left both men injured. Shot in the right lower abdomen, Alexandr Pushkin died two days later.
Alexander Pushkin
[ Maxim Gorky, «Pushkin, An Appraisal»] , retrieved 1 September 2006] Pushkin pioneered the use of vernacular speech in his poems and plays, creating a style of storytelling—mixing drama, romance, and satire—associated with Russian literature ever since and greatly influencing later Russian writers.Born in Moscow, Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fifteen, and was widely recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo. Pushkin gradually became committed to social reform and emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals; in the early 1820s he clashed with the government, which sent him into exile in southern Russia. While under the strict surveillance of government censors and unable to travel or publish at will, he wrote his most famous play, the drama «Boris Godunov», but could not publish it until years later. His novel in verse, «Eugene Onegin», was published serially from 1825 to 1832.
Pushkin and his wife Natalya Goncharova, whom he married in 1831, later became regulars of court society. In 1837, while falling into greater and greater debt amidst rumors that his wife had started conducting a scandalous affair, Pushkin challenged her alleged lover, Georges d’Anthès, to a duel. Pushkin was mortally wounded and died two days later.
Because of his liberal political views and influence on generations of Russian rebels, Pushkin was portrayed by Bolsheviks as an opponent to bourgeois literature and culture and a predecessor of Soviet literature and poetry. Tsarskoe Selo was renamed after him.
Pushkin’s father Sergei Lvovich Pushkin descended from a distinguished family of the Russian nobility which traced its ancestry back to the 12th century. Pushkin’s mother Nadezhda Ossipovna Gannibal descended through her paternal grandmother from German and Scandinavian nobility. [cite journal | last = Лихауг [Lihaug] | first = Э. Г. [E. G.] | title = Предки А. С. Пушкина в Германии и Скандинавии: происхождение Христины Регины Шёберг (Ганнибал) от Клауса фон Грабо из Грабо [Ancestors of A. S. Pushkin in Germany and Scandinavia: Descent of Christina Regina Siöberg (Hannibal) from Claus von Grabow zu Grabow] | journal = Генеалогический вестник [Genealogical Herald] .–Санкт-Петербург [Saint Petersburg] | volume = 27| pages = 31–38|month=November | year=2006] [cite journal | last = Lihaug| first = Elin Galtung| title = Aus Brandenburg nach Skandinavien, dem Baltikum und Rußland. Eine Abstammungslinie von Claus von Grabow bis Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin 1581–1837| journal = Archiv für Familiengeschichtsforschung| volume = 11| pages = 32–46|year=2007] Her paternal grandfather, i.e. Pushkin’s great-grandfather, a page raised by Peter the Great, was Abram Petrovich Gannibal, who was born in Africa. One theory is that he came from an area in northern Ethiopia (then known as Abyssinia), on the banks of the Mareb River, from a town called Logon. More recent research, however, indicates that he came from the Sultanate of Logone-Birni south of Lake Chad in Cameroon. After education in France as a military engineer, Gannibal became governor of Reval and eventually General-en-Chef for the building of sea forts and canals in Russia.
Born in Moscow, Pushkin published his first poem at the age of fourteen. By the time he finished as part of the first graduating class of the prestigious Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo near Saint Petersburg, the Russian literary scene recognized his talent widely. After finishing school, Pushkin installed himself in the vibrant and raucous intellectual youth culture of the capital, Saint Petersburg. In 1820 he published his first long poem, «Ruslan and Lyudmila», amidst much controversy about its subject and style.
Pushkin gradually became committed to social reform and emerged as a spokesman for literary radicals. This angered the government, and led to his transfer from the capital (1820). He went to the Caucasus and to the Crimea, then to Kamenka and Kishinev, where he became a Freemason. Here he joined the Filiki Eteria, a secret organization whose purpose was to overthrow the Ottoman rule over Greece and establish an independent Greek state. He was inspired by the Greek Revolution and when the war against the Ottoman Turks broke out he kept a diary with the events of the great national uprising. He stayed in Kishinev until 1823 and wrote there two Romantic poems which brought him wide acclaim, «The Captive of the Caucasus» and «The Fountain of Bakhchisaray». In 1823 Pushkin moved to Odessa, where he again clashed with the government, which sent him into exile at his mother’s rural estate in Mikhailovskoe (near Pskov) from 1824 to 1826. [«Images of Pushkin in the works of the black «pilgrims».» Ahern, Kathleen M. The Mississippi Quarterly. Pg. 75(11) Vol. 55 No. 1 ISSN: 0026-637X. December 22, 2001.] However, some of the authorities allowed him to visit Tsar Nicholas I to petition for his release, which he obtained. But some of the insurgents in the Decembrist Uprising (1825) in Saint Petersburg had kept some of his early political poems amongst their papers, and soon Pushkin found himself under the strict control of government censors and unable to travel or publish at will. He had written what became his most famous play, the drama «Boris Godunov», while at his mother’s estate but could not gain permission to publish it until five years later. The drama’s original, uncensored version would not receive a premiere until 2007.
In 1831, highlighting the growth of Pushkin’s talent and influence and the merging of two of Russia’s greatest early writers, he met Nikolai Gogol. After reading Gogol’s 1831-2 volume of short stories «Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka,» Pushkin would support him critically and later in 1836 after starting his magazine, «The Contemporary,» would feature some of Gogol’s most famous short stories. Later, Pushkin and his wife Natalya Goncharova, whom he married in 1831, became regulars of court society. When the Tsar gave Pushkin the lowest court title, the poet became enraged: he felt this occurred not only so that his wife, who had many admirers—including the Tsar himself—could properly attend court balls, but also to humiliate him. In 1837, falling into greater and greater debt amidst rumors that his wife had started conducting a scandalous affair, Pushkin challenged her alleged lover (correction: man who insulted his wife), Georges d’Anthès, to a duel which left both men injured, Pushkin mortally. He died two days later.
The government feared a political demonstration at his funeral, which it moved to a smaller location and made open only to close relatives and friends. His body was spirited away secretly at midnight and buried on his mother’s estate.
Pushkin had four children from his marriage to Natalya: Alexander, Grigory, Maria, and Natalia (the last of whom married, morganatically, into the royal house of Nassau and became the Countess of Merenberg).
Literary legacy
Critics consider many of his works masterpieces, such as the poem «The Bronze Horseman» and the drama «The Stone Guest», a tale of the fall of Don Juan. His poetic short drama «Mozart and Salieri» was the inspiration for Peter Shaffer’s «Amadeus». Pushkin himself preferred his verse novel «Eugene Onegin», which he wrote over the course of his life and which, starting a tradition of great Russian novels, follows a few central characters but varies widely in tone and focus. «Onegin» is a work of such complexity that, while only about a hundred pages long, translator Vladimir Nabokov needed two full volumes of material to fully render its meaning in English. Because of this difficulty in translation, Pushkin’s verse remains largely unknown to English readers. Even so, Pushkin has profoundly influenced western writers like Henry James. [ Joseph S. O’Leary, «Pushkin in ‘The Aspern Papers’ «, the Henry James E-Journal Number 2, March 2000] , retrieved on 24 November 2006.]
Pushkin’s works also provided fertile ground for Russian composers. Glinka’s «Ruslan and Lyudmila» is the earliest important Pushkin-inspired opera, and a landmark in the tradition of Russian music. Tchaikovsky’s operas «Eugene Onegin» (1879) and «The Queen of Spades» (1890) became perhaps better known outside of Russia than Pushkin’s own works of the same name, while Mussorgsky’s monumental «Boris Godunov» (two versions, 1868-9 and 1871-2) ranks as one of the very finest and most original of Russian operas. Other Russian operas based on Pushkin include Dargomyzhsky’s «Rusalka» and «The Stone Guest»; Rimsky-Korsakov’s «Mozart and Salieri», «Tale of Tsar Saltan», and «The Golden Cockerel»; Cui’s «Prisoner of the Caucasus», «Feast in Time of Plague», and «The Captain’s Daughter»; Tchaikovsky’s Mazeppa; Rachmaninov’s one-act operas «Aleko» (based on The Gypsies) and «The Miserly Knight»; Stravinsky’s Mavra, and Nápravník’s «Dubrovsky». This is not to mention ballets and cantatas, as well as innumerable songs set to Pushkin’s verse. Suppé, Leoncavallo and Malipiero, among non-Russian composers, have based operas on his works. [Taruskin R. Pushkin in «The New Grove Dictionary of Opera». London & New York, Macmillan, 1997.]
Some attention has also been given to Pushkin’s apparent anti-Semitism in his writings, as well as those of his contemporaries, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolai Gogol. [«Russian Urges Quotas on Jews; Communists Begin to Split Over Comrade’s Antisemitism.» David Hoffman. The Washington Post, A Section; Pg. A28. November 12,1998.] [Taking Penguins to the Movies: Ethnic Humor in Russia By Emil Draitser. P. 112. [ Google Book Citation] ] [Negative Images of Jews in Recent Russian Literature. Pereira, N G O. [] ] [The Development of Russian Verse: Meter and Its Meanings By Michael Wachtel. p. 26. [,M1 Google Book Citation] ] [Puskin’s «Black Shawl» poem. [] ] [One Less Hope: Essays on Twentieth-century Russian Poets By Constantin V. Ponomareff.»The Avarious Knight» poem. p. 161. [ Google Book Citation] ]
Influence on the Russian language
Alexander Pushkin is usually credited with developing Russian literature. Not only is he seen as having originated the highly nuanced level of language which characterizes Russian literature after him, but he is also credited with substantially augmenting the Russian lexicon. Where he found gaps in the Russian vocabulary, he devised calques. His rich vocabulary and highly sensitive style are the foundation for modern Russian literature. Russian literature virtually begins with Alexander Pushkin. His talent set up new records for development of the Russian language and culture. He became the father of Russian literature in 19th century, marking the highest achievements of 18th century and the beginning of literary process of 19th century. Alexander Pushkin introduced Russia to all the European literary genres as well as a great number of West European writers. He brought natural speech and foreign influences to create modern poetic Russian. Though his life was brief, he left examples of nearly every literary genre of his day: lyric poetry, narrative poetry, the novel, the short story, the drama, the critical essay, and even the personal letter. From him derive the folk tales and genre pieces of other authors: Esenin, Leskov and Gorky. His use of Russian language formed the basis of the style of novelists Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Goncharov, and Leo Tolstoy. Pushkin was recognized by Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol, his successor and pupil, the great Russian critic Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky, who produced the fullest and deepest critical study of Pushkin’s work, which still retains much of its relevance. Alexander Pushkin became an inseparable part of the literary world of the Russian people. He also exerted a profound influence on other aspects of Russian culture, most notably in opera. Translated into all the major languages, his works are regarded both as expressing most completely Russian national consciousness and as transcending national barriers. Pushkin’s intelligence, sharpness of his opinion, his devotion to poetry, realistic thinking and incredible historical and political intuition make him one of the greatest Russian national geniuses.
* 1820 – «Ruslan i Lyudmila (Руслан и Людмила)»; English translation: «Ruslan and Ludmila»
* 1820-21 – «Kavkazskiy plennik (Кавказский пленник)»; English translation: «The Prisoner of the Caucasus»
* 1821 — «Gavriiliada (Гавриилиада)» ; English translation: «The Gabrieliad»
* 1821–22 – «Bratya razboyniki (Братья разбойники)»; English translation: «The Robber Brothers»
* 1823 – «Bakhchisaraysky fontan (Бахчисарайский фонтан)»; English translation: «The Fountain of Bakhchisaray»
* 1824 – «Tsygany (Цыганы)»; English translation: «The Gypsies»
* 1825 – «Graf Nulin (Граф Нулин)»; English translation: «Count Nulin»
* 1829 – «Poltava (Полтава)»; English translation: «Poltava»
* 1830 – «Domik v Kolomne (Домик в Коломне)»; English translation: «The Little House in Kolomna»
* 1833 — «Andjelo (Анджело)»; English translation: «Angelo»
* 1833 – «Medny vsadnik (Медный всадник)»; English translation: «The Bronze Horseman»
;Verse novel
* 1825-32 – «Yevgeny Onegin (Евгений Онегин)»; English translation: «Eugene Onegin»
* 1825 – «Boris Godunov (Борис Годунов)»; English translation: «Boris Godunov»
* 1830 – «Malenkie tragedii (Маленькие трагедии)»; English translation: «The Little Tragedies»
** «Kamenny gost (Каменный гость)»; English translation: «The Stone Guest»
** «Motsart i Salyeri (Моцарт и Сальери)»; English translation: «Mozart and Salieri»
** «Skupoy rytsar (Скупой рыцарь)»; English translations: «The Miserly Knight, The Covetous Knight»
** «Pir vo vremya chumy (Пир во время чумы)»; English translation: «A Feast During the Plague»
* 1831 – «Povesti pokoynogo Ivana Petrovicha Belkina (Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина)»; English translation: «The Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin»
** «Vystrel (Выстрел)»; English translation: «The Shot», short story
** «Metel (Метель)»; English translation: «The Blizzard», short story
** «Grobovschik (Гробовщик)»; English translation: «The Undertaker», short story
** «Stanzionny smotritel (Станционный смотритель)»; English translation: «The Stationmaster», short story
** «Baryshnya-krestyanka (Барышня-крестьянка)»; English translation: «The Squire’s Daughter», short story
* 1834 — «Pikovaya dama (Пиковая дама)»; English translation: «The Queen of Spades», short story
* 1834 — «Kirdzhali (Кирджали)»; English translation: «Kirdzhali», short story
* 1834 — «Istoriya Pugacheva (История Пугачева)»; English translation: «A History of Pugachev», study of the Pugachev’s Rebellion
* 1836 — «Kapitanskaya dochka (Капитанская дочка)»; English translation: «The Captain’s Daughter», novel
* 1836 — «Puteshestvie v Arzrum (Путешествие в Арзрум)»; English translation: «A Journey to Arzrum», travel sketches
* 1836 — «Roslavlev (Рославлев)»; English translation: «Roslavlev», unfinished novel
* 1837 — «Arap Petra Velikogo (Арап Петра Великого)»; English translation: «Peter the Great’s Negro», unfinished novel
* 1837 — «Istoriya sela Goryuhina (История села Горюхина)»; English translation: «The Story of the Village of Goryukhino», unfinished short story
* 1837 — «Yegipetskie nochi (Египетские ночи)»; English translation: «Egyptian Nights», unfinished short story
* 1841 — «Dubrovsky (Дубровский)»; English translation: «Dubrovsky», unfinished novel
;Tales in verse
* 1830 — «Сказка о попе и о работнике его Балде»; English translation: «The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda»
* 1831 — «Сказка о царе Салтане»; English translation: «The Tale of Tsar Saltan»
* 1833 — «Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке»; English translation: «The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish»
* 1833 — «Сказка о мертвой царевне»; English translation: «The Tale of the Dead Princess»
* 1834 — «Сказка о золотом петушке»; English translation: «The Tale of the Golden Cockerel»
Awards and honors
A minor planet, 2208 Pushkin, discovered in 1977 by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Stepanovich Chernykh is named after him. [cite book| last = Schmadel| first = Lutz D.| coauthors =| title = Dictionary of Minor Planet Names| pages = p. 179| edition = 5th | year = 2003| publisher = Springer Verlag| location = New York| url =| id = ISBN 3540002383]
A crater, Pushkin, on Mercury is also named in his honor.
Hoaxes and other attributed works
In the late 1980s, a book entitled «Secret Journal 1836–1837» was published by a Minneapolis publishing house (M.I.P. Company), claiming to be the decoded content of an encrypted private journal kept by Pushkin. Promoted with few details about its contents, and touted for many years as being ‘banned in Russia’, it was an erotic novel narrated from Pushkin’s perspective. Some mail-order publishers still carry the work under its fictional description. In 2006 a bilingual Russian-English edition was published in Russia by Retro Publishing House.
ee also
* Pushkin Prize
* «Literaturnaya Gazeta»
* Vasily Pushkin
* Anna Petrovna Kern
* Anton Delvig
* Vladimir Dal
* Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy
* Elaine Feinstein (ed.): «After Pushkin: versions of the poems of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin by contemporary poets». Manchester: Carcanet Press; London: Folio Society, 1999 ISBN 1-85754-444-7
* Serena Vitale: «Pushkin’s button»; transl. from the Italian by Ann Goldstein. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1998 ISBN 1-85702-937-2
* Markus Wolf: «Freemasonry in life and literature». With an introduction to the history of Russian Freemasonry (in German). Munich: Otto Sagner publishers, 1998 ISBN 3-87690-692-X
* T. J. Binyon has written an English biography: «Pushkin: A Biography» (London: HarperCollins, 2002) (ISBN 0-00-215084-0; US edition: New York: Knopf, 2003; ISBN 1-4000-4110-4).
* Yuri Druzhnikov, «Prisoner of Russia: Alexander Pushkin and the Political Uses of Nationalism», Transaction Publishers, 1998, ISBN 1-56000-390-1
* Н. К. Телетова [N. K. Teletova] , «Забытые родственные связи А.С. Пушкина» [The forgotten family connections of A. S. Pushkin] , Спб.: Дорн [Saint Petersburg: Dorn] , 2007. ISBN 5-86197-070-0
External links
* [ Pushkin’s Biography on kirjasto’s Author’s Calendar]
* [ Short biography of Pushkin by Caryl Emerson]
* [ Three reviews of T. J. Binyon’s biography of Pushkin]
* [ Essays on Pushkin to commemorate the 200th birthday anniversary]
* [ Pushkin’s biography]
* [ Pushkin’s poems (English translation)] includes Eugene Onegin and other points
* [ Complete works (in Russian)] —FEB-web’s Digital Scholarly Edition (DSE) of A.S. Pushkin
* [ Complete works in ten volumes. (In Russian)] From the Russian Virtual Library.
* [ Books by Aleksandr Pushkin] , eBooks
* [ The afro-american interpretation of the family history of Aleksandr Pushkin]
* [ The ancestors Aleksander Sergeyevich Pushkin] (In Russian)
* [ Poet’s Page — audio readings in Russian]
* [ Theatre History — Plays by Pushkin]
* [ Pushkin’s African Background]
* [ Beliy A.A.] [ «Génie ou neige» «Voprosy literaturi» № 1, Moscow, 2008. С.115.] Contains annotations about Eugene Onegin.
* []
NAME= Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich
ALTERNATIVE NAMES= Алекса́ндр Серге́евич Пу́шкин (Russian)
SHORT DESCRIPTION= Russian Poet, novelist, playwright
DATE OF BIRTH= June 6, 1799
PLACE OF BIRTH= Moscow, Russia
DATE OF DEATH= February 10, 1837
PLACE OF DEATH= Saint Petersburg, Russia
Alexander Pushkin (Poet) — Age, Birthday, Bio, Facts, Family, Net Worth, Height & More
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era. He is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet, and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin was born into Russian nobility in Moscow. His father, Sergey Lvovich Pushkin, belonged to Pushkin noble families. His maternal great-grandfather was Central-African-born general Abram Petrovich Gannibal. He published his first poem at the age of 15, and was widely recognized by the literary establishment by the time of his graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Upon graduation from the Lycée, Pushkin recited his controversial poem «Ode to Liberty», one of several that led to his exile by Tsar Alexander I of Russia. While under the strict surveillance of the Tsar’s political police and unable to publish, Pushkin wrote his most famous play, the drama Boris Godunov. His novel in verse, Eugene Onegin, was serialized between 1825 and 1832.
Native name | Александръ Сергѣевичъ Пушкинъ |
Born | Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin, May 26, 1799, Moscow, Russian Empire |
Died | January 29, 1837, Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire |
Occupation | Poet, novelist, playwright |
Language | Russian, French |
Alma mater | Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum |
Period | Golden Age of Russian Poetry |
Genre | Novel, novel in verse, poem, drama, short story, fairytale |
Literary movement | Romanticism, Realism |
Notable works | Eugene Onegin, The Captain’s Daughter, Boris Godunov, Ruslan and Ludmila |
Children | Maria Pushkina, Alexander Pushkin, Grigory Pushkin, Natalia Pushkina |
Known as the founder of modern Russian literature and one of the greatest Russian poets of all time, he wrote Eugene Onegin, Boris Godunov, and The Captain’s Daughter, among other works. He is frequently linked to the Romantic movement.
When he was fifteen years old, he published his first poetry. By 1820, he’d joined radical literary circles, produced politically contentious works, and was under the Russian government’s watchful eye.
Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, and other notable composers drew inspiration from his literary works.
He is a descendant of Russian nobility. He married Natalya Pushkin and had two sons and two daughters with her.
Another well-known Russian author is Vladimir Nabokov.
Alexander Pushkin Category. Anton Delvig — Baron Anton Antonovich Delvig was a Russian poet and journalist of Baltic German ethnicity.. Aleksandra Ishimova — Aleksandra Ishimova — was a Russian translator, and one of the first professional Russian children’s authors.. Anna Petrovna Kern — Anna Petrovna Kern was a Russian socialite and memoirist, best known as the addressee of what is probably the best known love poem in the Russian language, written by Aleksandr Pushkin in 1825.. Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy — Count Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy was a Russian artist who served as Vice-President of the Imperial Academy of Arts for forty years. His works – wax-reliefs, watercolours, medallions, and silhouettes – are distinguished by a cool detachment and spare and economical classicism.. Literaturnaya Gazeta — Literaturnaya Gazeta is a weekly cultural and political newspaper published in Russia and the Soviet Union. It was published for two periods in the 19th century, and was revived in 1929.. Pushkin Prize — The Pushkin Prize was established in 1881 by the Russian Academy of Sciences to honor one of the greatest Russian poets Alexander Pushkin. The prize was awarded to the Russian who achieved the highest standard of literary excellence. The prize was discontinued during the Soviet period.. Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum alumni. Philhellenes. Italian–Russian translators. Translators of Dante Alighieri. Members of the Russian Academy. Russian-language writers. Russian Freemasons. French-language poets. Duelling fatalities. Russian male dramatists and playwrights. Russian male short story writers. Romantic poets. Russian male novelists. Writers from Moscow. Russian male poets. Russian nobility
Latest information about Alexander Pushkin updated on October 21 2021.
Пушкин: биография Т. Дж. Биньона | The Independent
Какой бы ни была правящая идеология России на протяжении последних 100 с лишним лет, Александр Пушкин был ее иконой. Достоевский на запоздалом открытии мемориала поэту в 1880 году произнес панегирик, движимый его страстным национализмом, и с тех пор репутация поэта резко возросла. К столетию со дня его рождения (1899 г.) детям бесплатно раздавали копии его произведений и плитки шоколада с его изображением: Пушкин теперь, по словам его биографа, был «твердым, честным и нравственным гражданином»…. и верным сторонником самодержавия «. Позже Советское государство провозгласило его поэтом народа, сделало из него культ почти сравнимым со Сталиным и вовлекло его в кампанию за национальную грамотность. Кола украл строчку из известной лирики «Я помню чудесный момент». Но да, Пушкин по-прежнему является иконой в капиталистической России.
Есть определенная ирония в том, чтобы нацелить ревизионистскую биографию на британских читателей. Для нас это так. легче понять человека, чем литературную икону.Факты из жизни Пушкина легко доступны. Издатели Т. Дж. Биньона утверждают, что с 1937 года не было полной биографии, но были биографии: например, Элейн Файнштейн в 1998 году, столь же приземленное изображение, более равномерно сбалансированное между жизнью и работой. Что касается его репутации, то то, что может показаться романтической шумихой, является буквальной правдой: Пушкин — отец русской литературы, поэт, который говорит от лица всех читателей и времен года. Представьте, что Шекспир пишет современный английский в жанрах, близких к современным, и это дает вам небольшое представление о его живой силе.
Но репутация во многом зависит от слухов. У нас есть энергичные переводы Евгения Онегина (без Чарльза Джонстона и Набокова не обойтись), хорошей, хотя и неполной подборки «Пингвин» Д.М. Томаса, «Медный всадник и другие стихи », а недавно и антологии современных поэтов Карканета ». переводы, По Пушкину. Критики, такие как Джон Бейли, вскрыли пропасти, чтобы сделать письмо доступным для английских читателей. Но этого все еще недостаточно.Самый большой миф — о том, что поэзия Пушкина возникла полностью из ниоткуда, — все еще слишком редко оспаривается.
Книга Биньона необычайно подробна. Если вы хотите узнать историю лицея в Царском Селе или как играть в Фару (карточная игра в Пиковая дама ), вы можете узнать здесь. Исторически времена действительно были «интересными». И семейное прошлое Пушкина завораживает (его прапрадед по материнской линии был африканским рабом, купленным для Петра Великого, любимцем которого он стал).
Документация Binyon скрупулезна. Однако иногда энциклопедическое наполнение контекста достигает отвлекающего уровня беспорядка. В последних главах напряжение повествования обостряется: мы почти чувствуем этот взрывной темперамент (маниакально-депрессивный, предполагает Биньон), постепенно накапливающийся в запечатанном перегонном кубе придворной жизни.
Трагедия Пушкина начинается с его брака с Натальей Гончаровой, 18-летней наивной девушкой, чья личность сосредоточена на очаровательной фигуре в бальном платье.Ее семья была почти такой же бедной, как и семья Пушкина, и долги росли, поскольку он стремился поддержать этих родственников и свою молодую семью, в основном за счет «убийственной работы» (его описание) исследования жизни Петра Великого для истории по заказу царя. . Он умер из-за, по подсчетам Биньона, 138 988,33 рубля.
Эта смерть — в 37 лет, после почти отмененной дуэли с абсурдным «поклонником» Натальи Д’Антессом — была ужасной и ненужной. Но ясно, что Пушкин был творчески истощен, возможно, близок к срыву.Его настроение заметно улучшилось, когда планы на дуэль были сформулированы. Возможно, смерть предложила решение.
Это был нелегкий выход. Его рана в живот заняла более двух дней, чтобы убить его, и большую часть времени он был в сознании. Он героически переносил боль, сдерживая крики, чтобы не расстроить Наталью, которая спала в соседней комнате.
Биньон, как биограф, ничего не принимает как должное — кроме, конечно, поэзии. В интересах последовательности он использует свои собственные переводы, точные, но скучные.По его словам, он решил не заниматься литературной критикой, и его проницательная ученость и спокойное сочувствие очень хорошо служат «Пушкину-человеку». Но, конечно, причина, по которой распутный, остроумный, хаотичный второстепенный придворный заслуживает нашего внимания, не в том, что он был интересен по-человечески. Это потому, что он был поэтом, гением, который в детстве глотал любую литературу, которую находил (французскую, английскую, испанскую), ассимилировал и трансформировал ее во что-то полностью свое и полностью русское. Книга, столь же скрупулезная о работе, как эта о жизни, была бы настоящим откровением.
Новый сборник стихов Кэрол Руменс «Hex» выйдет в следующем месяце в Bloodaxe
23 января 2000 г.
ПУШКИН Биография. Автор Элейн Файнштейн. Ecco, 29,95 доллара. |
Биография Александра Пушкина Лайне Файнштейном, возможно, слишком скудна. Мало материала, который будет новым для ученых. И все же « Пушкин »
прекрасна сама по себе.Проза Файнштейна энергична и ясна, и она с очевидным удовольствием рассказывает о жизни Пушкина. Потомок, с одной стороны, вымытых аристократов, а с другой стороны, потомок
Африканский раб, ставший крестником Петра Великого, Пушкин (1799-1837) был совершенно ничем не примечательным учеником, общественным и политическим смутьяном, грабителем, рогоносцем и, несомненно, лучшим русским поэтом своей эпохи.
поколение. Такая безрассудная байроническая жизнь — и его трагическая смерть в возрасте 37 лет от рук соперника — отлично читаются; признавая это, Файнштейн, английский поэт и писатель, позволяет повествованию
жизни Пушкина стоять на своих условиях.Можно было бы пожелать, чтобы она более внимательно исследовала сложные мысли Пушкина о его африканском наследии или чтобы она потратила больше времени на объяснение его произведений;
но в целом эта биография вполне читабельна и представляет собой занимательное введение в жизнь поэта.
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Пушкин Александр (Сергеевич) |
Национальность: Русский. Родился: г. Москва, 26 мая 1799 г. Образование: Дом, в лицее в Царском Селе, 1811-1717 гг. Семья: В браке с Натальей Гончаровой в 1831 году. Карьера: Государственный служащий, Санкт-Петербург, 1817-20; ссыльный на юг России и в Псковскую губернию, 1820-26; редактор, Современник (Современник), 1836-37. Умер: (на дуэли) 29 января 1837 года.
Полное собрание сочинений, под редакцией Б.В. Томачевского. 10 тт., 1977-79.
Complete Prose Fiction, под редакцией Пола Дебречени. 1983.
Капитанская дочь и другие рассказы .1992.
Повести покойного И. П. Белкина. 1830; как Сказки П. Белькина, 1947; as Сказки Белкина и История Горюхино, 1983.
Пиковая дама (повесть). 1834; как Пиковая дама, с Капитанская дочь, 1858.
Полные прозаические сказки. 1966.
Капитанская дочь. 1836; как The Captain’s Daughter, 1846; как Мария: История русской любви, 1877. Дубровский (фрагмент). 1841. Русские романсы. 1875.
Борис Годунов. 1831; переведено как Борис Годунов, в Переводы Пушкина, 1899.
Моцарт и Сальери. 1831; as Mozart and Salieri, in Переводы из
Пушкин, 1899. Пир во время чумы. 1832; как Пир во время чумы, в Маленькие трагедии, 1946.
Скупой рынок. 1836; as The Covetous Knight, в The Works, 1939.
Каменный гост. 1839; как Статуя гостя, в Переводы Пушкина, 1899; as The Stone Guest, in The Works, 1939.
Стихотворения. 1826; переработанное издание, 4 тома, 1829-35 гг. и последующие издания.
Евгений Онегин. 1833; переведено как Евгений Онегин, 1881.
Избранные стихотворения, под редакцией Ивана Панина. 1888; as Poems, 1888.
Пушкин, состоящий из трех частей: повествование, лирика, полемика и стихи Рибальда. 1972.
Медный всадник: Избранные стихотворения. 1982.
Сказочные стихи Пушкина и Лермонтова. 1983.
Собрание повествовательной и лирической поэзии. 1984.
Эпиграммы и сатирические стихи, под редакцией Синтии Х.Уиттакер. 1984.
Путешествие в Арзрум [Путешествие в Арзрум]. 1836.
Произведения: Лирика, Повествовательные стихи, Народные сказки, Проза, под редакцией А. Ярмолинского. 1939.
Письма. 1964.
Пушкин в литературе, под редакцией Татьяны Вольф. 1971.
История Пугачева. 1983.
Secret Journal 1836-1837. 1986.
*Критические исследования:
Пушкин и русская литература Янко Лаврина, 1947; Медный всадник Пушкина: История шедевра В.Леднецкий, 1955; Пушкин Э.Дж. Симмонс, 1964; Пушкин: биография Дэвида Магаршака, 1967; Пушкин Уолтера Викери, 1970; Пушкин: сравнительный комментарий Джона Бейли, 1971; Пушкин Анри Троя, 1974; Пушкин и его скульптурный миф Романа Якобсона, 1975; Русские взгляды на Пушкина под редакцией Д. Дж. Ричардса и К. Р. С. Кокрелла, 1976; Пушкин: критическое исследование, 1982, и Евгений Онегин, 1992, оба А.Д. П. Бриггс; Другой Пушкин: Этюд прозы Пушкина Поля Дебречени, 1983; Далекие удовольствия: Пушкин и писания об изгнании Стефани Сандлер, 1989; Контексты Пушкина под редакцией Петра I. Барта и Ульриха Гегеля, 1990; «Евгений Онегин» Пушкина С. Далтон-Брауна, 1997; Реализация метафор: Александр Пушкин и жизнь поэта Дэвида М. Бетеа, 1998; Историческое воображение Пушкина Светланы Евдокимовой, 1998.
* * *Александр Пушкин, известный в основном как национальный поэт России, установил стандарты прозы этой страны. Когда в конце 1820-х годов он всерьез начал писать прозу, русская художественная литература, по-прежнему зависевшая от западных образцов, достигла лишь подростковой стадии. Проза впервые приобрела значение в России в конце восемнадцатого века с приходом сентиментализма; он продолжал развиваться в эпоху романтизма, когда стали популярны различные жанры прозы. В этот период наблюдался рост приключенческих историй, светских историй, эпизодов о сверхъестественном, рассказов о путешествиях, künstlernovellen, и любовных историй.Пушкин пробовал все свои силы; одних он пародировал, других превзошел гениальными шедеврами, такими как «Пиковая дама» и «Станционный смотритель».
Первый серьезный набег Пушкина на художественную литературу, «Чернушка Петра Великого» (от которого сохранился лишь длинный фрагмент), демонстрирует большую для своего времени повествовательную изысканность. Попирая популярную традицию рассказчика / вымышленной личности, которая должна раскрывать источники своих историй, всеведущий, очень объективный рассказчик начинает без оправданий и обычно остается на заднем плане.Сочинение скупое, без особых украшений — следствие того, что Пушкин считал, что проза, в отличие от поэзии, должна оставаться скромным медиумом. Он продолжил экспериментировать с простым повествованием в нескольких фрагментах, сосредоточение которых на сложной психологии и серьезных идеях просто не соответствовало выбранному им способу повествования. К тому же Пушкин еще не овладел приемами объективного повествования.
Еще один фрагмент, «Роман в письмах», состоящий всего из десяти коротких посланий, возвращается к более поверхностной эпистолярной форме.В отличие от произведений, основанных на письмах между главными героями сказки, обычно влюбленными, попытка эпистолярного повествования Пушкина опирается на письма друзей, чтобы продвинуть историю. Здесь молодая девушка Лиза пишет знакомому, чтобы объяснить причины своего отъезда из Петербурга. Сначала она скрывает правду, но позже обнаруживает, что у нее мимолетная романтическая связь. Однако ее молодой человек следует за ней в провинцию и пишет своему другу, чтобы сообщить о своей деятельности в стране.Письма увлекательны и вызывают интерес читателя. Пушкинская писательница / героиня писем Лиза очень разборчива и проницательна в своих литературных вкусах, которые явно принадлежат Пушкину.
С другой стороны, рассказчику единственного сборника рассказов Пушкина, покойному Ивану Петровичу Белкину, не хватает литературной или какой-либо иной изысканности. С ним Пушкин якобы отступает, полагаясь на литературные условности того времени. Издатель, известный только по инициалам А.П., дает введение как в сказки, так и в рассказчика.Он использует запутанный, напыщенный стиль, чтобы сказать читателям, что не имеет существенной информации о Белкине. Однако ему удается написать другу Белкина, письмо которого он прилагает без комментариев. Тупоголовый друг сообщает А.П., что 23 числа месяца он был рад получить письмо издателя от 15 числа. В этом не было бы ничего удивительного, если бы не тот факт, что письмо друга датировано 16-м числом, что свидетельствует о том, что наш второй рассказчик может быть менее чем надежным.
Тем не менее мы узнаем от него, несмотря на его чрезмерно отвлеченный стиль, что Белкин получил начальное образование у пьяного, служил в армии, вернулся, чтобы управлять имением после смерти своих родителей, любил читать, пробовал свои силы. писал, был трезв в привычках и очень редко был навеселе; он также признал некоторую нежность к дамам, хотя он был столь же застенчив, как девушка.«Этот« дорогой друг нашего автора »также дает нам ключи к разгадке личности первоначальных рассказчиков, которые развлекали Белкина своими рассказами. В самих рассказах мы можем видеть голоса и отношения первоначальных рассказчиков, но иногда мы можем различить Голос Белкина.
Все истории, так или иначе, пародируют преобладающие направления и тенденции в романтической фантастике. «Выстрел» развенчивает таинственного байронического героя в своем изображении Сильвио, чьи собственные действия в конечном итоге упрощают его месть. молодому дворянину, который обидел его много лет назад.В «Гробовщике» на вечеринке у соседа Адриан Прохоров обижается, когда гость предлагает ему предложить тост за здоровье своих клиентов. Пьяный гробовщик идет домой и приглашает закопанные трупы на новоселье. Когда они прибывают, он пугается, но затем просыпается от сна, когда отталкивает приближающийся скелет. Пушкин относится к потенциально жуткой сказке с гротескным юмором и тем самым подрывает ее фантастические и мрачные черты. Две комические сказки, «Метель» и «Дочь оруженосца» (или «Любовница в служанку»), обе истории о ошибочной идентичности, которые в конечном итоге приводят к сценам признания и счастливому финалу, пародируют рассказчиков-женщин.Плоский стиль Белкина рассеивает восторженные восторги первоначального рассказчика, мисс К.И.Т., этими сентиментальными романтическими сказками. Также пародия на сентиментальные истории о романтической любви, «Станционный смотритель» выходит за рамки модели и выделяется среди Повести покойного И. П. Белкина ( Сказки Белкина ) как лучший и самый оригинальный из лота.
Пушкин воскресил Белкина, чтобы рассказать неоконченную «Историю села Горюхино», пародию на произведения двух современных историков, Карамзина и Полевого.Во введении к своей истории Белкин дает нам более подробную картину своей жизни, чем мы получали ранее. К сожалению, рассказанные им анекдоты, делая его более милым, делают его более нелепым и нелепым персонажем, чем мы уже представляли. Несмотря на то, что он мог быть самым неподходящим кандидатом на должность историка, отчет Белкина раскрывает подлинные социальные злоупотребления того времени.
Какое-то время Пушкин уделял время серьезному изучению истории и находил достойными Петра Великого и мятежных пугачевских подданных. расследования.Действительно, Пугачев также фигурирует как центральный персонаж в его романе Капитанская дочь ( Капитанская дочь ). В последние годы своей жизни Пушкин соединил исторические факты с вымыслом, легендами и этнографическими отступлениями в рассказе «Кирджали». Какой бы сложной ни казалась его структура, она в основном заканчивается анекдотом, прославляющим разбойника. Анекдот о Клеопатре во фрагменте одной сказки становится основой одного из последних и самых интригующих прозаических произведений Пушкина — неоконченных «Египетских ночей».«Встреча поэта и итальянского импровизатора исследует давно превалирующую в творчестве Пушкина тему — роль поэта в обществе.« Сотрудничество »двух художников на литературном вечере, которое поэт помогает организовать в помощь обедневшему импровизатору. , приводит к потрясающей импровизации на тему Клеопатры, другой темы, которую Пушкин ранее довольно подробно исследовал
Даже краткий обзор художественной прозы Пушкина выявляет богатое разнообразие его относительно небольшого объема прозы.Хотя он не всегда так лишен орнамента, как говорят некоторые критики, в его работах не появляется ничего лишнего. Его точное использование деталей дает ключи к дальнейшему пониманию персонажей и тем. Простые, казалось бы, сказки Пушкина всегда требуют внимательного прочтения и перечитывания.
Хотя более чем половина произведений прозы Пушкина состоит из фрагментов, он оказал глубокое влияние на развитие русской художественной литературы. Такие разные писатели, как Гоголь, Тургенев, Достоевский и Толстой, признали ему свой долг.В своих первых экспериментальных фрагментах, а также в Пиковая дама ( Пиковая дама ) и его романе в стихах Евгений Онегин ( Евгений Онегин ) Пушкин заложил основу того, что должно было стать великим русским психологом. роман девятнадцатого века.
—Кристина А. Райдел
См. Эссе по Пиковая дама и «Станционный смотритель».
.S. Биография Пушкина
Великий русский поэт Александр Сергеевич Пушкин родился 26 мая 1799 года в Москве.Трудоспособность Александра заложена в генах — отец тоже был поэтом и остроумием, завоевав популярность в определенных общественных кругах.
Пушкин до 12 лет нигде не учился, а в 12 лет поступил на обучение в Императорский Царскосельский лицей, считавшийся высшим русским учебным заведением. Лицей находился в Царском Селе, и Пушкин имел возможность пообщаться с наиболее достойными представителями высшего сословия страны. Во время обучения в лицее Пушкин впервые раскрыл свой творческий дар, который оценили по достоинству его учителя.
По окончании лицея летом 1817 года Александр Сергеевич Пушкин, ныне уже в секретарше, поступает на службу в Коллегию иностранных дел. В этот период Пушкин приступает к работе над первым большим стихотворением «Руслан и Людмила», написанным в 1820 году.
В том же году Пушкин получает новое назначение на службу в г. Кишинев в канцелярию генерала И. Инзов. Из-за переезда поэтов из столицы на периферию стали его стихи, по тогдашнему генерал-губернатору Петербурга были несовместимы со статусом государственного администратора.
Не доезжая до Кишинева, Пушкин заболевает лихорадкой легких и получает разрешение на временное выезд на лечение в Крым. За два месяца пребывания в Крыму (август-сентябрь) Пушкин посетит Феодосию, Гурзуф, Бахчисарай и Симферополь.
Наконец, в конце сентября 1920 года Александр Сергеевич Пушкин прибыл на новое богослужебное место в Кишинев. Несмотря на опоздание, И. Инзов снисходительно относится к поэту и дарит ему многочисленные каникулы. За время службы Пушкин не раз бывал в Одессе, Киеве и Каменке, где жили его друзья.В Кишиневе поэт пишет стихотворение «Кавказский пленник», которое сразу после публикации приносит Пушкину славу и признание.
В июле 1824 г. поэт подает иск о выходе на пенсию, который удовлетворен. Он направляется к родителям в Михайловское (имение в Псковской области). Там он пишет целую серию произведений, среди которых знаменитое стихотворение «Я запомнил чудесную барабанную дробь».
1826-1830. В начале этого периода Пушкин получает аудиенцию у нового царя Николая I, после чего поэту за его произведения обещают высокую охрану и отсутствие некоторой цензуры.Однако через два года после того, как стихотворение «Полтава», а также, став известным правительству Гаврилиады, написанное еще в 1821 году, Пушкин установил полицейский надзор.
18 февраля 1831 года Александр Сергеевич Пушкин венчается в церкви с Натальей Гончаровой и переезжает жить в Петербург, снимая дачу в Царском Селе. Здесь он пишет финальный аккорд Евгения Онегина — письмо Онегина.
Пушкин снова поступает на государственную службу в звании историографа и получает разрешение на работу в государственном архиве для написания Истории Петра.Возможность углубить знания в области истории и использовать их при написании планового произведения о крестьянском восстании Пугачева, поэта слегка подталкивают к путешествию в места восстания — Нижний Новгород, Казань, Оренбург и далее, вдоль реки. Урал.
7 января 1833 года Александр Сергеевич Пушкин избран действительным членом Российской академии — центра по изучению русского языка, основанного Екатериной II в 1783 году.
Осенью того же года, снова возвращаясь в Болдино, из-под пера поэта выходит Медный всадник, Анджело, Сказка о рыбаке и рыбе и Сказка о мертвой царевне и о семи спортсменах.
1833-1836. Этот период чрезвычайно тяжелый для Пушкина. Семья и имение Пушкина требовали все больших денежных затрат, но последние произведения писателя не принесли ему большой прибыли. Несмотря на тяжелое материальное положение, в 1934 году Пушкин почувствовал необходимость уйти из-под опеки царя и подает иск о пенсии, чем удовлетворяется. Однако одновременно ему запрещается в дальнейшем работать с делами записи. Возрастает общественная критика поэта, объективная причина которой кроется в том, что его лучшие произведения запрещены цензурой.
Очередной попыткой наладить финансовый бизнес в 1836 году был основан литературный журнал «Contemporary». К сожалению, прибыль от продаж журнала не покрыла даже расходы на его создание.
В ноябре 1836 г. происходит конфликт Пушкина с французским офицером Жорж Шарль Дантес, причиной которого стало оскорбление чести поэта.
27 января 1837 года Пушкин ранил Дантеса на дуэли и через два дня скончался дома от перитонита.
Александр Сергеевич Пушкин похоронен в Псковской губернии на погосте Святогорского монастыря.