
Тест по английскому языку для 9 класса «Spotlight

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Проверочная работа для учащихся 9 класса по теме «Праздники», (Module 1, Spotlight 9)

Проверочная работа для учащихся 9 класса по теме «Праздники» (Module 1, Spotlight 9)

Данная проверочная работа представлена в виде лексико-грамматического теста, направленного на проверку овладения учащимися изученного материала по первому модулю учебника «Английский в фокусе 9» (ЛЕ по теме «Праздники», фразовые глаголы с turn, грамматика по теме Present Tenses, относительные местоимения и наречия). Тест состоит из пяти заданий, на выполнение которых дается 1 урок (40-45 минут). Максимальное количество баллов 47 (1 балл за правильный ответ):

47-43 – «5»

42-33 – «4»

32-24 — «3»

23 и ниже – «2»

 Инструкция к выполнению работы:

Учащиеся записывают ответы к тесту в своих тетрадях. Переписывать полностью предложения из заданий не обязательно (за исключением задания 1), достаточно просто указать номер  задания и написать правильный ответ. Например в задании 3, где необходимо поставить подходящее относительное местоимение или наречие, можно просто написать одним словом 1.  whose 2. who  и т.д.

В задании 1 учащиеся должны перевести словосочетания и предложения с русского на английский язык. При переводе предложений важно не забывать про правильный порядок слов и поставить глагол в нужное время.

В задании 2 учащиеся должны раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в нужное время: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Contunuous.

В задании 3 нужно заполнить пропуски в предложении подходящим относительным местоимением who, which, whose или относительным наречием when, where, why.

В задании 4 нужно заполнить предложение подходящим по смыслу фразовым глаголом: turn off, turn back, turn up, turn down, turn into.

В задании 4 учащимся нужно прочитать текст про праздники в Великобритании и затем ответить верны или неверны утверждения после текста. Если утверждение верно, то учащиеся пишут «True», если утверждение неверно — «False»


1. Translate from Russian into English:

1) показ фейерверков 2) красочные уличные парады 3) бросать конфетти 4) кулинарное

 состязание 5) петь рождественские песни 6) запасной 7) На рождество люди обычно 

наряжают елку, обмениваются подарками и едят праздничный ужин. 8) Этот фестиваль 

собирает деньги на благотворительность. 9) На день победы (the Victory Day) люди смотрят 

парады и запускают фейерверки.


2. Put the verb in brackets in Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:

1) Jane (write) a letter to a magazine for 2 hours. She (not finish) it yet.

2) “-What you (do).” – “I (look) for my pen-knife.”

3) Nick (play) a computer game for two hours and he is still playing.

4) I already (do) the housework. I can go for a walk now.

5) The concert (start) at 7 p.m.  So we (meet) at 6.30 p.m.  You (come) with us?

6) Sara (think) of moving a new house.

7) Jack (wait) for Jenny since afternoon. She (not arrive) yet.

8) -” Why you (smell) this cheese?” – “ It (smell) strange”

9) I (not/understand) what he is speaking about.

10) I (not/like) Jane. She never (know) what she (want).


3. Complete the sentences using which, who, whose, when, where, why:

1. What is the name of the writer ______ most famous novel is ‘War and Peace’?

2. The girl _____ lives next door is called Natalie.

3. The boy ______ won the first prize is only fifteen years old.

4. The movie ______ you advised me to watch is very boring.

5. That is the girl ______brother came to see us the other day.

6. That is the reason _______ he did it.

7. That’s the restaurant _______ we met for the first time.

8. That was the year _______ she graduated 


4. Fill in off, back, up, down, into:

1. There was a traffic jam on the road so we decided to turn ______. 

2. She was offered a new job but she turned ______ the offer.

3. He managed to turn their words _______ joke. 

4. Turn______ the radio. It disturbs me. 

5. My brother turned ______ unexpectedly early in the morning. 

6. Turn _____ the TV. I can’t hear what they’re saying.


5. Read the text and mark the statement “True” or ‘False”:

Holidays in Great Britain  

There are fewer public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries. They are Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday, and Summer Bank Holiday. Public holidays in Britain are called bank holidays, because the banks as well as most of the offices and shops are closed.

The most favourite holiday is Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands in the Trafalgar Square.

Before Christmas, groups of singers go from house to house. They collect money for charities and sing carols, traditional Christmas songs. Many churches hold a service on the Sunday before Christmas.

The fun starts the night before, on the 24th of December. Traditionally this is the day when people decorate their trees. Children hang stockings at their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets.

Christmas is a family holiday. All the family usually meet for the big Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. And everyone gives and receives presents. The 26th of December, Boxing Day, is an extra holiday after Christmas. It’s the time to visit friends and relatives.

New Years Day is not such favorable in Britain than Christmas. But in Scotland Hogmanay, New Years Eve is the biggest festival of the year.

Besides public holidays, there are some special festivals in Great Britain. One of them takes place on the 5th of November. On that day, in 1605, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and kill King James I. He didn’t succeed. The King’s men found the bomb, took Guy Fawkes to the Tower and cut off his head.

Since that day the British celebrate on the 5th of November. They burn a dummy (чучело), made of straw and old clothes, in a bonfire and let off fireworks. This dummy is called a «guy» (like Guy Fawkes).

1. A big Christmas tree, which is in the Trafalgar Square, is a present of people from Northern Ireland ______

2. Boxing Day is an extra holiday after Christmas______

3. Christmas dinner consists of roast chicken and pumpkin-pie. _____

4. Hogmanay is the biggest festival of the year in Scotland. _______

5. Guy Fawkes is a man who killed King James I _____

6. Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated on the 5th of December. _______




    1) показ фейерверков – fireworks display

    2) красочные уличные парады – colourful street parades

    3) бросать конфетти — to throw streamers

    4) кулинарное состязание – cooking contest

    5) петь рождественские песни – to sing carols

    6) запасной – spare

    7) На рождество люди обычно наряжают елку, обмениваются подарками и едят праздничный ужин. – People usually decorate trees, exchange gifts and eat a special meal on Christmas.

    8) Этот фестиваль собирает деньги на благотворительность. – This festival raises money for charity.

    9) На день победы (the Victory Day) люди смотрят парады и запускают фейерверки. – People watch parades and let off fireworks on the Victory Day.


    1) Jane has been writing a letter to a magazine for 2 hours. She has not finished it yet.

    2) “-What are you doing.” – “I am looking for my pen-knife.”

    3) Nick has been playing a computer game for two hours and he is still playing.

    4) I have already done the housework. I can go for a walk now.

    5) The concert starts at 7 p.m.  So we meet at 6.30 p.m. Are you coming with us?

    6) Sara is thinking of moving a new house.

    7) Jack has been waiting for Jenny since afternoon. She has not arrived yet.

    8) -” Why are you smelling this cheese?” – “ It smells strange”

    9) I do not understand what he is speaking about.

    10) I do not like Jane. She never knows what she wants.


    1. What is the name of the writer whose most famous novel is ‘War and Peace’?
    2. The girl who lives next door is called Natalie.

    3. The boy who won the first prize is only fifteen years old.

    4. The movie which you advised me to watch is very boring.

    5. That is the girl whose brother came to see us the other day.

    6. That is the reason why he did it.

    7. That’s the restaurant where we met for the first time.

    8. That was the year when she graduated.


    1. There was a traffic jam on the road so we decided to turn back

    2. She was offered a new job but she turned down the offer.

    3. He managed to turn their words into joke. 

    4. Turn off the radio. It disturbs me. 

    5. My brother turned up unexpectedly early in the morning. 

    6. Turn up the TV. I can’t hear what they’re saying.


    1. A big Christmas tree, which is in the Trafalgar Square, is a present of people from Northern Ireland ___False___

    2. Boxing Day is an extra holiday after Christmas __True____

    3. Christmas dinner consists of roast chicken and pumpkin-pie. False

    4. Hogmanay is the biggest festival of the year in Scotland. ___True____

    5. Guy Fawkes is a man who killed King James I _False____

    6. Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated on the 5th of December. __False_____

    Список литературы:

    1. Английский язык. 9 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [Ю.Е. Ваулина, В. Эванс, Д.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко]. – 3-е изд. – М. : Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2011.

    2. https://www.native-english.ru/topics/holidays-in-great-britain


      Тест по английскому языку для 9 класса (1 модуль) к УМК «Спотлайт»

    1. At eight o’clock this morning, they … breakfast. (have been having, were having, have had).

    2. You … tidy your room more often. (didn’t need to, mustn’t, must).

    3. Can I have … envelope, please? (an, a)

    4. The lesson starts … three o’clock this afternoon. (on, at, in)

    5. Hang the picture on the wall, … the fireplace. (between, under, above)

    6. You … me! (criticise always, are always criticising, always are criticising)

    7. The boys are playing football … Saturday. (on, in, at)

    8. I bought … bread at the baker’s this morning. (an, some, a)

    9. … sugar shall I add to the cake mixture? (How often, How many, How much)

    10. I’m not sure … David lives. (where, wherever, when)

    11. It was a … idea to have a party for your birthday. (best, good, well)

    12. James is by far … athlete in the school. (the good, best, the best)

    13. There are … letters on the table. They are for you. (no, any, some)

    14. If you are ready, we can … now. (leaving, leave, to leave)

    15. He kicked the ball … the field. (between, across, under)

    16. Are these keys … ? (Yours, your, you)

    17. I’m tired. I’m not going out … evening. (these, this, that)

    18. This is the man … dog I look after sometimes. (whose, who’s, which)

    19. Martin Amis is a … author. (fashion, popular, daily)

    20. The journalist decided to write an article … David Beckham, the footballer. (of, at, about)

    21. Can I have a … of jam, please? (bottle, bag, jar)

    22. There are a lot of people in here, it’s very … . (cosmopolitan, flooded, crowded)

    23. Polar bears are a(an) … species. (farm, common, endangered)

    24. John is very … ; he keeps dropping things. (miserable, lazy, clumsy)

    25. Lisa always tells people what to do. She’s very … . (friendly, generous, bossy)

    26. I’m going to give up my job and become a singer. Don’t try to … my mind. (collect, change, pack)

    27. My dog Sam always comes when I call him. He’s very … . (polite, obedient, funny)

    28. The … at the amusement park were fantastic. (attractions, experiences, tastes)

    29. You spend time and money on glossy fashion magazines trying to spot the latest trends. You buy shoes and clothes based on what top stars, film stars and models are wearing. Tight-fitting jeans are now considered a “must have” whereas the baggy jeans you spent much money on last year are presently considered old-fashioned by Teen Vogue. Almost everyone would like to have designer clothes and expensive shoes. But is it really worth spending all your pocket money on items you won’t even wear in a couple of months? If you really want to become a smart buyer here some tips:

      Be responsible. Do not spend a lot of cash on things that you know will be out of fashion within the next six months. Pay attention to the quality and the material. Do not spend money on a T-shirt that’s made of cotton just because it’s designed by Armany. It’s not logical. Before you buy that red leather jacket take a minute to think: do I have matching shoes? Does the colour suit me? If you want to buy something smart for a formal occasion get a plain, elegant, white shirt or a black, silk dress. They will never go out of fashion!

      Your taste in fashion is certainly influenced by TV and advertisements. Despite the fact that you’ve always hated leather trousers and velvet suit, you start to think that they actually look cool because they are now being worn by major trendsetters like Kate Moss and David Beckham! Do not compare yourself to unrealistic images. You can’t wear the same clothes as runway models. It’s just not practical.

      Don’t pay too much attention to the latest trends. It’s more important to wear something that suits your body and your personal style. If you walk with confidence even a pair of old scruffy jeans or a knitted sweater can look trendy. No one will like you more just because you have a designer handbag. It’s all about self-confidence!


      Тест по теме «Celebrations», модуль 1, УМК “Spotlight 9”

      Тест направлен на выявление уровня знаний по теме «Celebrations» (модуль 1), УМК «Spotlight» 9 класс под ред. В.Эванс, ДЖ.Дули.

      Просмотр содержимого документа

      «Тест по теме «Celebrations», модуль 1, УМК “Spotlight 9”»

      spotlight (9 class)

      TEST Module 1.

      1.Fill in: opportunity, take place, invite, receive, depend, patiently, spectacular, treats, stall, raise

      1. He decided to move to London at the first _______.

      2. The festival usually _______.in May.

      3. We have _______.your letter of the 15th May.

      4. His decision will _______.on how soon he meets the committee.

      5. We were waiting _______.for the storm to finish.

      6. I was really impressed with that _______.concert!

      7. On Halloween children ask for _______.such as candies or sometimes money.

      8. You can find everything on Oxford street. There are lots and lots of _______.!

      9. They tried to _______.money for charity.

      2.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms (Present Simple / Present Continuous/ Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous)

      1. Den _________________ (look) for his report, but he _______________(not find) it yet.

      2. My chief usually (work) _______on Saturdays.

      3. She (speak) for an hour on the phone.

      4. He (wait) _______for you at this moment.

      5. I (think) _______ about moving to St. Petersburg.

      6. What _______ your brother (do) _______? – He (be) _______a sportsman.

      7. Ann is in the library. She (make) _______a report.

      3.fill in:which,who,where,whose,when

      1. That’s the boy _______ father is a pilot.

      2. Cate Blanchett, _______ stars in «The Lord of the Rings», is a great actress.

      3. The book _______ you borrowed is mine.

      4. 31st October, _______ Halloween takes place, is my favourite day.

      5. Minsk, _______ my brother was born, is the capital of Belarus.

      6. October 31st, ………Halloween takes place, is my friend’s birthday.

      4.Form participles (-ed, -ing) from the following words and fill the gaps

      1. He was so _______! (AMAZE)

      2. The book wasn’t so _______ I expected. (INTEREST)

      3. I find April Fool’s Day quite _______. (tire)

      4. Imagine how _______ it would be for the school-leaver to pass the state exam! (exhaust)

      5.Fill in the prepositions:

      1. The reason _______ Earth Day is to create environmental awareness.

      2. My sister is interested _______ Russian history.

      3. The motorway was crowded _______ cars.

      4. Do you afraid _______ spiders?

      5. Are you interested ….going to a fancy dress party tonight?

      6. My little brother still believes ….. Santa Claus.

      6.Fill in: down, up, into, off, back

      1. Turn _______ the volume on the radio. It’s driving me crazy!

      2. I hope she turns _______ soon!

      3. Let’s turn a region _______ a nuclear-free zone.

      4. The refugees (беженцы) were turned _______ because the war was stopped.

      5. Turn the radio …….. ! The baby is sleeping!

      6. Once Jane leaves her house, she never turns ……. . She believes it’s very bad luck.

      7.Translate into english

      1. Утром в День Победы мы смотрим парад на Красной площади по телевизору.

      2. Дети украшают елки, надевают маски и маскарадные костюмы.

      3. Взрослые тоже любят этот праздник; фотографируются, обмениваются подарками.

      4. Если вы идете к друзьям для празднования Нового Года, не забудьте взять небольшой подарок.

      5. Если вы хотите смотреть фейерверки и спектакли под открытым небо, то Масленица — это праздник для Вас!


      Fill in: opportunity, take place, invite, receive, depend, patiently, spectacular, treats, stall, raise

      1. He’ decided to move to London at the first opportunity.

      2. The festival usually takes place in May.

      3. Don’t keep your aunt standing on the doorstep, invite her in!

      4. We have received your letter of the 15th May.

      5. His decision will depend on how soon he meets the committee.

      6. We were waiting patiently for the storm to finish.

      7. I was really impressed with that spectacular concert!

      8. On Halloween children ask for treats such as candies or sometimes money.

      9. You can find everything on Oxford street. There are lots and lots of stalls!

      10. They tried to raise money for charity.

      Fill in: down, up, into, off, back

      1. Turn down the volume on the radio. It’s driving me crazy!

      2. I hope she turns up soon!

      3. Let’s turn a region into a nuclear-free zone.

      4. The refugees (беженцы) were turned back because the war was stopped.


      Тест по английскому языку к модулю 2 к УМК «Спотлайт» 9 класс

      Тест 2 по английскому языку к модулю 2 «Спотлайт» 9 класс.

      1). Complete the sentences by choosing the correct answer.

      1. We go ___ every week.

      A. swim B. to swim C. swimming

      2. He dreams of ___ an actor.

      A. become B. to become C. becoming

      3. It’s not easy ___ good friends.

      A. find B. to find C. finding

      4. He wanted ___ a new computer game.

      A. buy B. to buy C. buying

      5. My mum is afraid of ___.

      A. fly B. to fly C. flying

      6. What would you like ______ tonight?

      А. doing B. to do C. do

      7. It was kind of you _______about me birthday.

      A. remembering B. to remember C. remember

      8. She didn’t let him ______ to his friend tonight.

      A. to go B. go C. going

      9. I’d like ______with you.

      A. to play B. play C. playing

      10. He saw the whole accident. He watched her ___________ the road.

      A. cross B. crossing C. to cross

      11. If it is difficult task for you try __________ the simple exercise at first.

      A. to do B. doing C. do

      12. We stopped __________________ lunch.

      A. to have B. having C. have

      2) Choose the words:

      13.My sister is full of arrogant | arrogance. We don’t get on well with her.

      1. School activity | active is very important | importance.

      2. The difference | differ between twins are very slight.

      3. This is very urgent| urgency parcel. Be quick.

      4. My mother is very kind | kindness.

      5. Sanity | sane is one of the features of the character.

      6. Our neighbors installed the security | secret system.

      7. You don’t have any patient | patience to work with children.

      3) True, False, Not stated.

      Jane: Do you want to go to the cinema tonight, Pam?

      Pam: I’d love to, Jane, but I can’t. I haven’t got any


      Jane: Have you spent all your pocket money already?

      Pam: I don’t get that much ― only £5 a week. How

      much do you get?

      Jane: I get £10 a week but I have to earn it.

      Pam: What do you mean?

      Jane: Well, I make my bed every day and I tidy my

      room. I wash the dishes every day and I iron my own

      clothes, too.

      Pam: Wow! That’s a lot of housework. My mum does

      everything in my house.

      Jane: Your poor mum! Doesn’t she work part-time in a

      shop, too?

      Pam: Yes, but she seems to manage.

      Jane: You should offer to do chores for more pocket

      money. Then you’ll have extra cash and your mum can

      have a rest.

      Pam: You’re right. I’ll start right now so we can go out

      later. I’ll offer to do the dishes and help with the

      laundry and I’ll call you as soon as I finish.

      Jane: OK. I’ll wait for your call.

      21. Pam doesn’t want to go to the cinema.

      A True B False C Not stated

      22. Jane goes to the cinema every week.

      A True B False C Not stated

      23. Jane gets more pocket money than Pam.

      A True B False C Not stated

      24. Jane sometimes cooks dinner at home.

      A True B False C Not stated

      25. Jane doesn’t help around the house.

      A True B False C Not stated

      26. Pam’s mum works part-time as a manager.

      A True B False C Not stated

      27. Jane will call in on Pam later.

      A True B False C Not stated

      4) Translate into English:

      28. — Я не люблю протирать мебель от пыли, но делаю это два раза в неделю.

      29. — Мама научила меня заправлять кровать, когда я был ребенком.

      30. — Мне кажется, что взрослым проще поддерживать комнату в чистоте, чем подросткам.

      31. — Гладить белье и мыть тарелки – это не для меня.

      32. — Моя бабушка не любит пылесосить пол, ей кажется, что пол лучше подметать.

      5) Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

      Once John Smith and his wife Mary who (33 — live) in a small house in the mountains, (34 — find) a dog. Though the dog (35 — be) weak and hungry, he (36 — not eat) anything in the presence of his new masters. Several days later the dog (37 — disappear). John and Mary (38 — leave) alone. But one day when Smith (39 — travel) in a train, he (40 — see) his dog running along the road. He (41 — get) off the train at the next station, (42 — buy) a piece of meat, (43 — catch) the dog and (44— bring) him home again. There the dog (45— tie) up for a week.

      The dog (46— escape) several times and each time he (47— run) north. At last the dog (48 — decide) to stay at the cottage but a long time (49 — pass) before Smith and his wife (50— can) touch him. They (51 — call) him Wolf.

      One summer a stranger (52— come) to the cottage. As soon as the dog (53 — see) him, he (54— rush) to the stranger and (55 — lick) his hands. Then the stranger (56 — say): «His name (57 — be) not Wolf. It (58 — be) Brown. He (59 — be) my dog.» Mary (60 — ask) to leave the dog with them. But the stranger (61 — refuse) and (62 — say) that the dog (63 — must) decide it himself. «I (64 — say) goodbye and (65 — go) away. If he (66— want) to stay, let him stay.» For some time Wolf (67 — watch) the man go. Then he (68 — rush) after him and (69 — try) to stop him. Then the dog (70- run) back to Smith and his wife (71 — try) to drag Smith after the stranger. He (72 – want) to be at the same time with the old and the new master. Finally the dog (73— lie) down at the feet of Smith. Mary (74 — be) happy.

      Приложение 1. (Правильные ответы).

      1) Complete the sentences by choosing the correct answer.

      1. We go ___ every week.

      C. swimming

      2. He dreams of ___ an actor.

      C. becoming

      3. It’s not easy ___ good friends.

      B. to find

      4. He wanted ___ a new computer game.

      B. to buy

      5. My mum is afraid of ___.

      C. flying

      6. What would you like ______ tonight?

      B. to do

      7. It was kind of you _______about me birthday.

      B. to remember

      8. She didn’t let him ______ to his friend tonight.

      B. go

      9. I’d like ______with you.

      A. to play

      10. He saw the whole accident. He watched her ___________ the road.

      B. crossing

      11. If it is difficult task for you try __________ the simple exercise at first.

      B. doing

      12. We stopped __________________ lunch.

      A. to have

      2) Choose the words:

      13. My sister is full of arrogance. We don’t get on well with her.

      14. School activity is very important

      15. The difference between twins are very slight.

      16. This is very urgent parcel. Be quick.

      17. My mother is very kind

      18. Sanity is one of the features of the character.

      19. Our neighbors installed the security system.

      20. You don’t have any patience to work with children.

      3) True, False, Not stated.

      21. Pam doesn’t want to go to the cinema.

      B False

      22. Jane goes to the cinema every week.

      C Not stated

      23. Jane gets more pocket money than Pam.

      A True

      24. Jane sometimes cooks dinner at home.

      C Not stated

      25. Jane doesn’t help around the house.

      B False

      26. Pam’s mum works part-time as a manager.

      B False

      27. Jane will call in on Pam later.

      B False

      4) Translate into English

      28. — I don’t like to dust the furniture, but I do it twice a week.

      29. — Mum taught me to make the beds when I was a child.

      30. — I think that it is easier to keep rooms tidy for adults than for teenagers.

      31. — Doing the ironing or doing the washing-up is not my cup of tea.

      32. — My granny doesn’t like doing the vacuum-cleaning, she is sure that it’s better to sweep the floor.

      5) Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

      33 — lived,

      34 — found,

      35 — was,

      36— didn’t eat,

      37— disappeared,

      38 — were left,

      39 — was travelling,

      40 — saw,

      41 — got,

      42 — bought,

      43 — caught,

      44 — brought,

      45 — was tied,

      46 — escaped,

      47 — ran (was running),

      48 — decided,

      49 — had passed,

      50— could,

      51— called,

      52 — came,

      53 — saw,

      54— rushed,

      55— licked,

      56— said,

      57— is,

      58— is,

      59— is,

      60— asked,

      61— refused,

      62— said,

      63— must,

      64— will (shall) say,

      65— will go,

      66 — wants,

      67 — was watching (watched),

      68 — rushed,

      69— tried,

      70 — ran,

      71 — tried,

      72— wanted,

      73— lay,

      74 — was.

      Приложение 2.

      Используемая литература.

      1. Английский язык.9 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений/ Ю.Е.Ваулина,Эванс,Дж.Дули,О.Е.Подоляко.-2 изд., доп. и перераб.- М.:E[press Publishing.Просвещение,2010-216с.:ил.-(Английский в фокусе).

      2. Английский язык.9 класс, Английский язык в фокусе, Spotlight 9, Дополнительные материалы, Ваулина Ю.Е., Эванс В., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е.,2010

      3. Выборова Г. Е„ Махмурян К. С.

      Тесты по английскому языку для школьных олимпиад: Учебное пособие. — 4-е изд. — М.: Флинта: Наука; 2003. — 80 с.


      Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса (Spotlight 9. Module 1)

      spotlight 9

      TEST 1

      Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms (Present Simple / Present Continuous/ Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous)

      1. Kendra (smell) _______the soup because it tastes strange.

      2. Den _________________ (look) for his report, but he _______________(not find) it yet.

      3. My chief usually (work) _______on Saturdays.

      4. She (speak)_________ for an hour on the phone.

      5. He (wait) _______for you at this moment.

      6. I (think) _______ about moving to St. Petersburg.

      7. What _______ your brother (do) _______? – He (be) _______a sportsman.

      8. Tim (fit) _______ a new door in the garage now.

      9. Ann is in the library. She (make) _______a report.

      10. Greg _________________ (wait) for Jenny in the downtown. She_____________ (not arrive) yet.

      11. – Is Mary crying? – No, she isn’t, she (peel) _______onions.

      12. Now Justin (write) _______a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when it is finished.

      Task 2. Fill in:which,who,where,whose,when

      1. That’s the boy _______ father is a pilot.

      2. Cate Blanchett, _______ stars in «The Lord of the Rings», is a great actress.

      3. The book _______ you borrowed is mine.

      4. 31st October, _______ Halloween takes place, is my favourite day.

      5. Minsk, _______ my brother was born, is the capital of Belarus.

      Task 3. Form participles (-ed, -ing) from the following words and fill the gaps

      1. He was so _______! (AMAZE)

      2. The book wasn’t so _______ I expected. (INTEREST)

      3. I find April Fool’s Day quite _______. (tire)

      4. Imagine how _______ it would be for the school-leaver to pass the state exam! (exhaust)

      Task 4. Fill in the prepositions

      1. The reason _______ Earth Day is to create environmental awarwness.

      2. My sister is interested _______ Russian history.

      3. The motorway was crowded _______ cars.

      4. Do you afraid _______ spiders?

      Task 5. Fill in: down, up, into, off, back

      1. Turn _______ the volume on the radio. It’s driving me crazy!

      2. I hope she turns _______ soon!

      3. Let’s turn a region _______ a nuclear-free zone.

      4. The refugees (беженцы) were turned _______ because the war was stopped.

      spotlight 9

      TEST 1

      Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms (Present Simple / Present Continuous/ Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous)

      1. Kendra (smell) _______the soup because it tastes strange.

      2. Den _________________ (look) for his report, but he _______________(not find) it yet.

      3. My chief usually (work) _______on Saturdays.

      4. She (speak)_________ for an hour on the phone.

      5. He (wait) _______for you at this moment.

      6. I (think) _______ about moving to St. Petersburg.

      7. What _______ your brother (do) _______? – He (be) _______a sportsman.

      8. Tim (fit) _______ a new door in the garage now.

      9. Ann is in the library. She (make) _______a report.

      10. Greg _________________ (wait) for Jenny in the downtown. She_____________ (not arrive) yet.

      11. – Is Mary crying? – No, she isn’t, she (peel) _______onions.

      12. Now Justin (write) _______a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when it is finished.

      Task 2. Fill in:which,who,where,whose,when

      1. That’s the boy _______ father is a pilot.

      2. Cate Blanchett, _______ stars in «The Lord of the Rings», is a great actress.

      3. The book _______ you borrowed is mine.

      4. 31st October, _______ Halloween takes place, is my favourite day.

      5. Minsk, _______ my brother was born, is the capital of Belarus.

      Task 3. Form participles (-ed, -ing) from the following words and fill the gaps

      1. He was so _______! (AMAZE)

      2. The book wasn’t so _______ I expected. (INTEREST)

      3. I find April Fool’s Day quite _______. (tire)

      4. Imagine how _______ it would be for the school-leaver to pass the state exam! (exhaust)

      Task 4. Fill in the prepositions

      1. The reason _______ Earth Day is to create environmental awarwness.

      2. My sister is interested _______ Russian history.

      3. The motorway was crowded _______ cars.

      4. Do you afraid _______ spiders?

      Task 5. Fill in: down, up, into, off, back

      1. Turn _______ the volume on the radio. It’s driving me crazy!

      2. I hope she turns _______ soon!

      3. Let’s turn a region _______ a nuclear-free zone.

      4. The refugees (беженцы) were turned _______ because the war was stopped.


      Fill in: opportunity, take place, invite, receive, depend, patiently, spectacular, treats, stall, raise

      1. He’ decided to move to London at the first opportunity.

      2. The festival usually takes place in May.

      3. Don’t keep your aunt standing on the doorstep, invite her in!

      4. We have received your letter of the 15th May.

      5. His decision will depend on how soon he meets the committee.

      6. We were waiting patiently for the storm to finish.

      7. I was really impressed with that spectacular concert!

      8. On Halloween children ask for treats such as candies or sometimes money.

      9. You can find everything on Oxford street. There are lots and lots of stalls!

      10. They tried to raise money for charity.

      Fill in: down, up, into, off, back

      1. Turn down the volume on the radio. It’s driving me crazy!

      2. I hope she turns up soon!

      3. Let’s turn a region into a nuclear-free zone.

      4. The refugees (беженцы) were turned back because the war was stopped.


      Тест по английскому языку 9 класс 8 модуль

      1Вставьте пропущенные слова. 1слово лишнее. Sprained, first aid kit, bump, rucksack, total, map.

      1 David carries most of his camping supplies in his ________. 
      2 I don’t think we’re going in the right direction; according to the ________ we should be heading south. 
      3 Your ankle looks swollen; are you sure you haven’t _______ it? 
      4 It was a __________ miracle that Liz recovered from her spinal injury, as she was not expected to ever walk again. 
      5 Jack has a ________ on his leg because he broke it skateboarding. 

      2. Перепишите предложения в косвенную речь.

      1. “Have you ever travelled to a foreign country?» Joan asked Sam. 
      2. «Don’t be late for dinner,” Mum told me. 
      3. “We can’t go whitewater rafting this weekend,” James and Lilly said. 
      4. “Andrew took up trekking three years ago,” Liz said. 
      5. “Mark will begin kitesurfing lessons in summer, ” Lee said. 

      3. Подчеркните верный пункт.

      1. Can you tell James that there’s someone/ everyone on the phone for him? 

      2. Everyone/ someone in the trekking club loves extreme sports. 
      3. Researchers come from everywhere/ nowhere to explore Antarctica. 
      4. There is nothing/something wrong with your wrist; it’s not even swollen. 
      5. Helping out at the animal shelter is so easy that anyone/no one can do it.

      4. Вставьте подходящий вопрос переспрос(question tag).
      1 Mike likes extreme sports, _______? 
      2 Henry has never been kitesurfing, ______? 
      3 It was an inspiring story, ______? 
      4 A compass always points to the north, ________? 
      5 Let’s apply for the volunteer position,_________?

      5. Закончите мини диалоги, используя фразы ниже. Есть одна дополнительная фраза.

      • Oh, dear! What happened? • Ouch! That hurt! • Oh, that’s good. 
      • Get well soon. • Yes, it really hurts. • Hmm … I don’t know. 
      A: You got a very bad sunburn at the beach. 
      B: ………………………. 
      A: My karate teacher says I’ve made a lot of improvement. 
      B: ………………………… 
      A: What do you think about us joining an extreme sports club? 
      B: ………………………… 
      A: John’s in hospital with a broken leg. 
      B: ………………………… 
      A: I’ve been under the weather for the past few days. 
      B: …………………………


      1 rucksack

      2 map

      3 sprained

      4 total

      5. Bump

      1 Joan asked Sam if he had ever travelled to a foreign country.

      2 Mum told me not to be late for dinner.

      3 James and Lilly said that they couldn’t go whitewater rafting that weekend.

      4 Liz said that Andrew had taken up trekking three years before.

      5 Lee said that Mark would begin kitesurfing lessons in summer.

      1 someone

      2 Everyone

      3 everywhere

      4 nothing

      5 anyone

      1 doesn’the

      2 has he

      3 wasn’t it 4 doesn’t it 5 shall we

      1 Yes, it really hurts.

      2 Oh, that’s good.

      3 Hmm… I don’t know.

      4 Oh dear! What happened?

      5 Get well soon.


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