Тест для 5 класса по теме «Present Simple/ Present Continuous»

Test «Present Simple or Present Continuous?»

Form 5th

Variant I

I  Прочитай предложения, определи время в каждом.

1. My Dad drives a car very fast.

2. She is cooking dinner now.

3. He lives in London.

4. My friends are dancing at the moment.

5. I don’t go to school on Sundays.

II    Закончи предложение, выбрав глагол в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1. Listen! My friend …the song.

     a)sings  b) sing  c) is singing

2. I … some problems at school.

     a)  have  b) has  c) is having

3. They … to visit galleries and museums.

     a)  likes  b) are liking  c)  like

     4. Where is Mum? She …

     a)  cooks  b) cooking  c) is cooking

     5. I can … a lot of girls in the street.

a)  am seeing  b) sees  c) see

6. His brother … the piano very well.

a)  play  b) plays  c) is playing

     10) He … his lunch now.                                                                

      a) cooks  b) is cooking  c) are cooking

8. Look! They … to the library now.

a)  go  b) are going  c) is going

III  Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголыв Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. Who …in the hall? (to dance) – My sister. She … very well. (to dance)

2. What … you … now? (to do) – I … a new computer game. (to play)

3. Where … she …? (to live). – She … in Moscow. (to live)

4. … you … cats? (to like) – Yes, I do. I … a cat at home. (to have)  It’s name is Blacky.

IV  Найди и исправь ошибки. Запиши предложения безошибок.

1. I am  listen to  you now.

2. Little Roo don’t like to eat.

3. Rita watches TV at the moment.

4. She is  visiting her Granny now ?

5. Are you play basketball?

Test «Present Simple or Present Continuous?»

Form 5th

Variant II

I  Прочитай предложения, определите время в каждом.

1. My Dad drives a car very fast.

2. She is cooking dinner now.

3. He lives in London.

4. My friends are dancing at the moment.

5. I don’t go to school on Sundays.

II    Закончи предложение, выбрав глагол в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

1) We…. every day.                                                                    

 a) swim    b) are swimming  c) is swimming

2) I … now.                                                                                  

a)watch TV   b) am watching TV  c) is watching TV

3) She always … in the afternoon.                                            

  a) is drawing   b) draws  c)  are drawing

4) Jack and Bill … now.                                                              

a) play football   b) are playing football  c) are plaiing

5) The children … at the moment.                                              

 a)write         b) are writing   c)  is writing

6) The pupils …   the classroom every Friday.                            

 a) are cleaning    b) clean   c) cleans

7) Grandpa … now.                                                                      

 a) is  sleeping      b) sleeps    c) are sleeping

8) Ann … every morning.                                                            

a) is running.       b) runs   c) is running

III. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголыв

Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. Who …in the kitchen? (to sing) – My Mum. She … very well. (to sing)

2. What … you … now? (to do) – I … a poster for my Granny. (to paint)

3. Where … he …? (to live). – He … in London. (to live)

4. … you … dogs? (to like) – Yes, I do. I … a dog at home. (to have)  It’s name is Rex.

IV  Найди и исправь ошибки. Запишипредложениябезошибок.

1. He often visit his friends in Omsk.

2. Diana is wash dishes now.

3. They is watching TV at the moment.

4. Where is he going every day?

5. He not listening to me.


«Present Simple and Present Continuous » ( 5 класс )

Present Simple and Present Continuous Test

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

  1. She coffee now.

a) drinks

c) is drinking

b) is drinks

d) are drinking

  1.  I … every day.

a) am reading

c) read

b) reading

d) reads

  1. He sleeps … .

a) today

c) now

b) at the moment

d) every night

  1. We … tea every morning.

a) drink

c) drinking

b) are drinking

d) drinks

5. … to school every morning?

a) Are they going

c) Do they go

b) Do they going

d) Does they go

6. Look! He … very well.

7. … it run very fast?

8. We … want to do the test.

9. They … going to the cinema tonight.

10. … she a teacher?

Переверните страницу, пожалуйста

11. … they … tennis now?

12. Вспомогательным глаголом во времени Present Simple является:

a) to be

c) do

b) do/does

d) does

13. В третьем лице единственного числа во времени Present Simple к глаголу добавляется:

a) окончание –s

b) окончание –ing

14. Вспомогательным глаголом во времени Present Continuous является:

a) do

c) to be

b) do/does

d) does

15. Какое из следующих слов НЕ является показателем времени Present Simple:

a) now

c) usually

b) often

d) always

16. Какое из следующих слов является показателем времени Present Simple:

17. Выберите форму 3 лица единственного числа глагола to cry в Present


18. Выберите форму 3 лица единственного числа глагола to watch в Present Simple:

19. Выберите форму 3 лица единственного числа глагола to play в Present Simple:

20. Какое из слов является показателем времени Present Continuous:


Тест по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) на тему: Present Simple and Present Continuous Test

Present Simple and Present Continuous Test

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

  1. She … coffee now.

a) drinks

c) is drinking

b) is drinks

d) are drinking

  1.  I … every day.

a) am reading

c) read

b) reading

d) reads

  1. He sleeps … .

a) today

c) now

b) at the moment

d) every night

  1. We … tea every morning.

a) drink

c) drinking

b) are drinking

d) drinks

5. … to school every morning?

a) Are they going

c) Do they go

b) Do they going

d) Does they go

6. Look! He … very well.

a) swims

c) is swimming

b) swim

d) is swiming

7. … it run very fast?

8. We … want to do the test.

a) doesn’t

c) isn’t

b) don’t

d) aren’t

9. They … going to the cinema tonight.

a) aren’t

c) doesn’t

b) don’t

d) isn’t

10. … she a teacher?

Переверните страницу, пожалуйста

11. … they … tennis now?

a) Do … play

c) Does … play

b) Are … playing

d) Are … play

12. Вспомогательным глаголом во времени Present Simple является:

a) to be

c) do

b) do/does

d) does

13. В третьем лице единственного числа во времени Present Simple  к глаголу добавляется:

a) окончание –s

b) окончание –ing

14. Вспомогательным глаголом во времени Present Continuous является:

a) do

c) to be

b) do/does

d) does

15. Какое из следующих слов НЕ является показателем времени Present Simple:

a) now

c) usually

b) often

d) always

16. Какое из следующих слов является показателем времени Present Simple:

a) today

c) now

b) sometimes

d) at the moment

17. Выберите форму 3 лица единственного числа глагола to cry в Present Simple:

a) crying

c) crys

b) cry

d) cries

18. Выберите форму 3 лица единственного числа глагола to watch в Present Simple:

a) watchs

c) watchies

b) watches

d) watch

19. Выберите форму 3 лица единственного числа глагола to play в Present Simple:

a) play

c) plays

b) playes

d) plaies

20. Какое из слов является показателем времени Present Continuous:

a) always

c) Listen!

b) sometimes

d) usually


Тест на закрепленеи Present Continuous 5 класс



Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with “to be”.

  1. I … going to read books.

  2. He… having lunch now.

  3. You… flying the kite at the moment.

  4. Stephen … playing hockey today

  5. The tourists …taking photos of the town.

  6. Look! They … eating an ice cream.

Ex.2 Open brackets using Present Continuous.

  1. Listen! I (to read)

2. He (to sleep) now.

3. We (to drink) tea at the moment.

4. They (to go) to school now.

5. I (to read) every day.

6. David (to sleep) every night.

7. We (to drink) tea in the morning

8. Sam and Tom usually (to go) to school .

9. They (to play) tennis now .

10. Listen! Kate (to sing).

11. What is he doing? He (to do) homework.

12. My dad (to make) phone calls now.

13. Our teacher (to work) on computer now.

14. Children (to play) in the garden.

15. John is a postman. He (to deliver) a letter.

Ex.3 Fill in: in, at.

  1. He wakes up …… seven o’clock.

  2. Susan has a breakfast ….. the morning.

  3. Tom dresses up …. the 7.30.

  4. My dad lives home for work …. 9.00 .

  5. I have lessons at around 1.30 ….. the afternoon.

  6. We come home ….. the evening.

  7. They do their homework and ….. seven o’clock they have dinner.

  8. She always goes to sleep …..about ten.



Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with “to be”.

  1. They … taking photos of the town.

  2. I … going to school at the moment.

  3. Look! The tourists … eating a sandwich..

  4. You … going to read books.

  5. He … having dinner now.

  6. David … playing football today.

Ex.2 Open brackets using Present Continuous.

  1. Andy sometimes (to read) comics.

2) We never (to watch) TV in the morning.

3) Listen! Sandy (to sing) in the bathroom.

4) My sister usually (to help) in the kitchen.

5) My mother (to make) breakfast now.

6) They often (to clean) the bathroom.

7) Look! The boys (to come) home.

8) Every day his grandfather (to go) for a walk.

9) Sam is a postman. He (to deliver) a letter.

10) Cats (to eat)mice.

11. What is he doing? He (to do) homework.

12. My dad (to make) phone calls now.

13. Our teacher (to work) on computer now.

14. Children (to play) in the garden.

15. I …with my friend at the moment. (to chat)

Ex.3 Fill in: in, at.

  1. He wakes up …… seven o’clock.

  2. Susan has a breakfast ….. the morning.

  3. Tom dresses up …. the 7.30.

  4. My dad lives home for work …. 9.00 .

  5. I have lessons at around 1.30 ….. the afternoon.

  6. We come home ….. the evening.

  7. They do their homework and ….. seven o’clock they have dinner.

  8. She always goes to sleep …..about ten.


Тест «Употребление глагола в Present Simple и Present Continuous» (5 класс)

Выбери верный глагол:

1) My dad _________ leaves every autumn.

A) rakes B) raking

2) It`s ______________ here in Canada now!

A) freezes B) freezing

3) Mum is ___________ flowers in the garden.

A) planting B) plant

4) Ben ___________ in Australia this month.

A) studies B) is studying

5) Look at the window! It______________.

A) is snowing B) snows

6) Does it often _________ in winter?

A) snow B) snowing

7) Your blouse is nice. It doesn`t __________ you.

A) suit B) suits

8) Where are you ____________ on holiday?

A) go B) going

9) Sara always __________ boots in winter.

A) wears B) wearing

10) My father _______________ to Moscow today on business.

A) flies B) is flying

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени:

1. Elephants___________ (not / to eat) meat.

2. He _____________ (to visit) Aunt Mary at the moment.

3. Look! A big bird __________ (to sit) in our garden.

4. John never __________ (to come) home early.

5. Mary______________ (to study) English now.

5. Peter seldom _____________ (to drink) coffee for breakfast.

6. He usually ___________ (to have) a rest after dinner.

7. It`s 12 o`clock now, we __________ (to have) lunch.

8. Let`s go for a walk. The sun__________ (to shine) brightly.

9. He _______ (not / to work) on Sundays.

10. My sister _________ (to read) English books every evening.

Выбери верный глагол:

1) My dad _________ leaves every autumn.

A) rakes B) raking

2) It`s ______________ here in Canada now!

A) freezes B) freezing

3) Mum is ___________ flowers in the garden.

A) planting B) plant

4) Ben ___________ in Australia this month.

A) studies B) is studying

5) Look at the window! It______________.

A) is snowing B) snows

6) Does it often _________ in winter?

A) snow B) snowing

7) Your blouse is nice. It doesn`t __________ you.

A) suit B) suits

8) Where are you ____________ on holiday?

A) go B) going

9) Sara always __________ boots in winter.

A) wears B) wearing

10) My father _______________ to Moscow today on business.

A) flies B) is flying

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени:

1. Elephants___________ (not / to eat) meat.

2. He _____________ (to visit) Aunt Mary at the moment.

3. Look! A big bird __________ (to sit) in our garden.

4. John never __________ (to come) home early.

5. Mary______________ (to study) English now.

5. Peter seldom _____________ (to drink) coffee for breakfast.

6. He usually ___________ (to have) a rest after dinner.

7. It`s 12 o`clock now, we __________ (to have) lunch.

8. Let`s go for a walk. The sun__________ (to shine) brightly.

9. He _______ (not / to work) on Sundays.

10. My sister _________ (to read) English books every evening.


Тест на Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple.

Лексико-грамматический тест предназначен для проверки усвоения английских времен: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple.

1. Раскрой скобки и вставь правильную форму глагола:

1) My sister ….. (clean) the kitchen now.

2) I often ….. (buy) food on Fridays.

3) Nick …. (not/go) to the Caucasus last year.

4) Look out! Who….. (watch) you?

5) My grandfather usually ….. (work) in the garden in the morning.

6) I ….. (do) my homework last Monday.

7) Sometimes Maria ….. (cook) lunch for herself.

8) Sorry! I … (be late).

9) The manager is busy. He …..(talk) with a customer.

10) I ….. (be) in the Crimea last summer.


2.Сделай предложения вопросительными:

1) I forgot my umbrella. …………………………………………   ?

2) My mother called me 10 minutes ago. …………………………  ?

3) The alpinist is climbing the mountain. ………………………… ?  

4) I go to the gym every day. ………………………………………?

5) My cat is sleeping in his basket. ……………………………………?


3. Сделай предложения отрицательными:

1) My elder sister plays the violin every day …………………………..

2) Boys are playing football at the stadium. ……………………………

3) I do shopping twice a week. ………………………………………….

4) I flew to Dublin last year. ……………………………………………………………

5) My parents went to China last winter. …………………………………………..




  1. 1) is cleaning 2) buy 3)did not go 4) is watching 5) works 6) did 7) cooks 8) am late 9) is talking 10) was
  2. 1) Did you forget your umbrella? 2) Did your mother call you 10 minutes ago?3)Is the alpinist climbing the mountain? 4) Do you go to the gym every day? 5) Is your cat sleeping in his basket?

  3. 1) My elder sister doesn’t play the violin every day. 2) Boys are not playing footbal at the stadium. 3) I don’t do shopping twice a week. 4) I didn’t fly to Dublin last year. 5) My parents didn’t go to China last winter.

Тест №2 — Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple. — 4.7 out of 5 based on 38 votes


Учебно-методический материал (5, 6 класс) на тему: Тренировочные тесты для учащихся 5-6 классов. Present and Past Simple, Present Continuous

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveler in the dark

Thanks you for your tiny spark:

How could he see where to go,

If you did not twinkle so?

In the dark blue sky you keep,

Often through my curtains peep,

For you never shut your eye,

Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark

Lights the traveler in the dark,

Though I know not what you are,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Ann and Jane Taylor

    1.Ты мигай, звезда ночная!

    Где ты, кто ты — я не знаю.

    Высоко ты надо мной,

    Как алмаз во тьме ночной.

    2.Только солнышко зайдет,

    Тьма на землю упадет, —

    Ты появишься, сияя.

    Так мигай, звезда ночная!

    3.Тот, кто ночь в пути проводит.

    Знаю, глаз с тебя не сводит:

    Он бы сбился и пропал,

    Если б свет твой не сиял.

   4.В темном небе ты не спишь,

   Ты в окно ко мне глядишь,

   Бодрых глаз не закрываешь,

   Видно, солнце поджидаешь.

    5.Только солнышко зайдет…

    Тьма на землю упадет…

    Кто ты, где ты — я не знаю,

    Но мигай, звезда ночная!

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveler in the dark

Thanks you for your tiny spark:

How could he see where to go,

If you did not twinkle so?

In the dark blue sky you keep,

Often through my curtains peep,

For you never shut your eye,

Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark

Lights the traveler in the dark,

Though I know not what you are,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Ann and Jane Taylor

Ты мигай, звезда ночная!

Где ты, кто ты — я не знаю.

Высоко ты надо мной,

Как алмаз во тьме ночной.

Только солнышко зайдет,

Тьма на землю упадет, —

Ты появишься, сияя.

Так мигай, звезда ночная!

Тот, кто ночь в пути проводит.

Знаю, глаз с тебя не сводит:

Он бы сбился и пропал,

Если б свет твой не сиял.

В темном небе ты не спишь,

Ты в окно ко мне глядишь,

Бодрых глаз не закрываешь,

Видно, солнце поджидаешь.

Эти ясные лучи

Светят путнику в ночи.

Кто ты, где ты — я не знаю,

Но мигай, звезда ночная!


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